1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background to the Study
Technology plays a very important role in communication today. This phenomenon has in one way or another given rise to a new dialect. According to Fredrick (2019) the birth of internet or World Wide Web (www) gave rise to the concept of worlds interconnectivity fostered by Information and Communication Technology (ICT) driven by international trade and investment. This also facilitated the rise of the various social media platforms that have become integral to people in respect of information. As it is today, the growth, adoption and usage of technology offers tremendous benefits, advantages as well as disadvantages. Virtual platforms popularly and professionally known as social media are known for the facilitation of information sharing, enlightenment and the enhancement of development issues across the globe regardless of distance and time, which is the regular side. The popular belief today is that mankind has been exposed to simpler and better ways of exhibiting things with the aid of technology. Social media which include, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Whatsapp messenger, blackberry messenger, Skype, Google talk, Google messenger, are interactive virtual environments which propel and harness cordialness through relationships built on the sites. In both contemporary and primitive societies today, most people utilize these platforms to interrelate with physical, virtual friends and connect with old friends, share thoughts, ideas and feelings effectively and efficiently within a short period of time.
Fatimayin (2015) asserts that social media can be used to accommodate both the social and educational aspects. They can be tools for supporting teaching/learning on one hand and a means of socializing on the other. It was further stated that social media has both advantages and disadvantages. One of its disadvantages is its impact on the way secondary students spell words and write. Secondly is the negative influence on students’ time management, study behaviour and copying of wrong concept. For Paul & Gelish, (2011) the use of mobile phones for sending short messages and accessing social media may and may not result in students’ lower academic performance.
Corroborating the above, Kyoshaba (2009) opined that worldwide, emphasis has been placed on intellectual and academic excellence. Most prevalent and alarming globally are issues and problems upholding and downgrading it hence many studies have been carried out in order to establish concrete intellectual findings in that regard. Academic accomplishment and its imperativeness in determining one’s success is multi-faceted and largely depends on many factors some of which are, the ability to spell words correctly, the ability to phrase and write good sentences and the ability to use language appropriately. They determine one’s academic capability in both institutions of learning and career development.
However, Habermas (1979) in Songxaba and Limkani (2019) Language is a systematic means of communicating ideas using sounds, gestures, signs or marks. It is the code used to express oneself and communicate with others. Communicating is to share information, or to share what one knows and to interact with others. It involves a system of combining words to create meaning. Thus, communication involves language, and language, therefore, remains potentially a communicative medium capable of expressing ideas and concepts as well as moods, feelings and attitudes.
Language is not merely a tool that helps human beings express thoughts and feelings but is also a way of becoming civilised. It is an important link in today’s world of globalisation. Writing is a way of communicating and conveying ideas and feelings from one mind to another mind. The hallmarks of good writing are the hallmarks of good communication. The skill of writing is developed through composition writing (Swain 2005). According to Songxaba and Limkani (2019) Essay writing forms a fundamental tool in second language learning. This is evidenced by the highest marks allocated to the essay (Paper 3) during the examination of English Second Language (ESL) from Grade 10 to 12 in South Africa’s Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) (Department of Basic Education 2015). At the same time development and technological advancement has seen writing of formal English on the decline and much of this is attributed to WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter communication.
Despite the general concern about social media language creeping into students’ academic writing, it is not going away any time soon. That does not mean teachers should turn away from correcting students and doing the needful Fatimayin (2015). Students and adults are frequently using the social media platforms. It is very popular among students many of who subscribe to more than one of them. They also spend hours chatting, blogging, posting information and connecting with friends and family. They are therefore continually using social media language which may undermine their writing skills as a result of daily exposure to informal new ways of writing and language usage which do not correspond to acceptable standard writing techniques. Thus, it is against the background of this study to examine the impact of social media Abbreviation on essay writing of in English Language in public secondary schools in Oyo west local government Oyo State.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Series of studies have targeted on causes of poor performance of students in school, and appropriate measures have been postulated by researchers in order to cub these phenomena. Among the measures are provisions of appropriate technologies for learning. Frankly, almost every student has got the power of this technology, be it android phone or laptop. But reverse the case, with the positive usages. It is evident that the advent of social media has led to its hijack to other usefulness of the available technologies. The implications of social media on the learning outcomes of students in school of learning in Nigeria have led to the poor performance in examinations. These poor performances in both internal and external examinations, especially in essay writing have significantly affected the education sector negatively. It is evident that through SMS conversation on social media platforms like Facebook, Skype, Twitter, MySpace, WhatsApp, 2go, students have adopted negative skills which contradict the standard norm of writing such as: use of pidgin forms, deletion of last letter: spelling in numerals, single letter spelling, consonant clusters, use of phonemic. These general social media language creeping into students’ academic writing, is not going away any time soon if appropriate measure is not adopted. Thus, this study intents to examine impact of social media Abbreviation on essay writing of in English Language in public secondary schools in Oyo west local government Oyo State.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
This study is purported to assess the implication of social media on student academic writing. To be specific, this study aims at exploring the kind of social media abbreviation students are using, how such social media language is affecting their academic life as well suggest appropriate measure for the to be adopted.
1.4 Research Questions
The main research question of the study was” has social media has distinctive impact on students’ academic life?” To answer these questions and analyze how this impact has taken place, the following question were considered:
(a) What are the social media abbreviations used by the students?
(b) To what extent has social media abbreviation usage has affected students’ academic performance?
(c) How can the problem be curbed?
1.5 The Significance of Study
It is anticipated that the finding of this research work would have impact on the following groups: government, school administrators; schools teachers, students and community members at large. It is hoped that the finding of the study would revealed to the world the implication of social media on learning outcome of students of secondary schools.
The research findings will acquaints the government the importance of providing all necessary technologies that can aid social media in schools as well suggest the need for the government and school administrators to provide necessary machineries both human and non-human materials for the enlightenment of the students on proper usage of social media power they possesses.
It is expected that findings from this study would acquaint the prospective and the existing teachers in the field with the importance of converting social media to lecture or academic media as well, make the real sources of procuring communicative materials by the students.
It is expected that the findings of this study would acquaint the students and the community members of the need to acquire the right knowledge on how to convert social media to education media for their own personal development. Also, it is hoped that when people are aware and have knowledge on how to use things judiciously it will be very exciting.
1.6 Scope of the Study
The study is strictly focused on the impact of social media Abbreviation on essay writing of in English Language in public secondary schools in Oyo west local government Oyo State. Thus, the study will be restricted solely on students in the selected secondary schools in Oyo west local government Oyo.
1.6 Definitions of Terms
Social Media: forms of electronic communication (such as Web site) through which people create online communities to share information, Ideas personal messages, etc
Abbreviation: a shortened form of a word or name that is used in place of the full word or name
Essay writing: the definition of an essay is a short piece of writing that expresses information as well as the writer’s opinion.
2.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the review of conceptual basis and empirical studies in order to set current study in a new perspective and join ongoing discourse and empirical study. Thus, this chapter focused on the review of the following:
• Conceptualization of Social Media
• Act of Writing in Language
• Social Media and Language
• Effects of Social Media on Students’ Writing
• Remedial approach to Curb Students’ Misuse of Language in Essay Writing
• Appraisal of Related Studies
2.1 Conceptualization of Social Media
In a broad speaking, social media sites represent a recent innovation intended to foster communication and collaboration on a large scale. Since their invention, such sites have diffused so rapidly that the number of users is growing daily, and they have become an integral part of people’s personal and professional lives (Chugh & Ruhi, 2018). Social media can be defined as “a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of User Generated Content” (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). The term “social media” refers to a set of tools that includes blogging services, discussion forums, bookmarking services, and wikis. Thus, the overarching concept of social media implicitly includes SNSs, which are defined by Chugh and Ruhi (2018, p. 606) as “an online service allowing users to construct a public or private profile to connect and interact with their social connections.” In the interests of both clarity and consistency, the term “social media” will hereafter be used to exclusively refer to SNSs. In the view of Cohen, (2011) Social media is the platforms that enable the interactive web by engaging users to participate in, comment on and create content as means of communicating with their social graph, other users and the public which have content formats including text, video, photographs, audio, PDF and PowerPoint. It can be said that social media is the tools, services, and communication facilitating connection between peers with common interests.
Social media therefore denotes to the wide collection of Internet based and mobile services that connect people together to communicate, participate, collaboratively interact, discuss and exchange ideas and information on an online community. The kind of Internet services commonly associated with social media (sometimes referred to as “Web 2.0”) include the following:
Weblog: Weblogs or blogs, as they are branded, are easily created and updateable websites that allow authors to publish to the Internet instantly, hence allowing instructors and students to communicate easily. Basically a blog is an online journal in which pages are usually displayed in reverse chronological order. Blogs can be hosted for free on websites such as Word Press, Tumblr and Blogger.
Wikis: A wiki is a collective website where any participant is allowed to modify any page or create a new page using her Web browser” (Dewing 2010). Anyone can add and edit what has already been published. One well known example is Wikipedia, a free online encyclopaedia that makes use of wiki technology.
Social book marking: Bookmarking sites allow users to organize and share links to websites. This enables users to produce a searchable personalized internet. Examples include reddit, Stumble Upon and Digg.
Social network sites: Boyd and Ellison (2007) defined social network sites as public web-based services that allow users to develop a personal profile, identify other users with whom they have a connection, read and react to postings made by other users on the site, and send and receive messages either privately or publicly. These web based services allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system. Among the most popular are Facebook and LinkedIn.
Status update services: This kind is also known as micro blogging services, status update services such as Titter, Whatsapp, Facebook, Histagram etc, allow people to share short updates about people or events and to see updates tweeted by others. These are limited list that are certain to revolution quickly, probably could be by our own contributions to the field.
2.2 Act of Writing in Language
Writing is an ‘intricate’ and complex task; it is the ‘most difficult of the language abilities to acquire’ (Songxaba and Limkani 2019). Its level of difficulty varies between native speakers who think in the language being used and non-native speakers who think in their own native language (Allen & Corder 1974:177). While writing, non-native speakers have, in general, to think about rules they need to apply; rules that native speakers are supposed to have automatised. However, Jabeen (2015) asserts that people learn languages when they have opportunities to understand and work with language in a context that they comprehend and find interesting. Alsaawi (2015) states that writing is a method that transfers spoken language from being heard to being seen and consequently read. In order to represent spoken language in a written script, a system must be invented and for that reason precisely implemented. Thus, the formal English writing system is the one that native speakers and second language learners should strictly follow.
Indeed, English Language has either deep or shallow orthography. (Franklin 2014) states “Orthography is the correct way of writing a particular language. The term orthography comes from the Greek language and means ‘correct way of writing’. The conventional spelling system of a language is therefore part of its orthography. Orthography is the standardised procedure of a writing system, which includes spelling, pronunciation, word break and emphasis. Punctuation, word break and emphasis are not major problems for learners, but spelling is a problem for the majority of learners”.
In the English language, spelling plays an important role in the writing process. Hence, if a sentence has incorrectly spelt words, the meaning and message of the sentence may be distorted. For precise meaning and precise communication words need to be spelt correctly. Frequent use of wrongly spelt words in essay writing may erode the direct intended meaning of communication.
2.3 Social Media and Language
The use of language on social media site is characterized by acronyms, emoticons, neologism, and vocabulary alteration. Acronym, a feature of language use on social media is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of different worlds and pronounced as a whole sentence. Will (2014) states that the use of acronyms (abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words are pronounced as a word) are now common place substitutes to whole sentence, e.g. lol (Laugh out loud), gd 9t (Good night), and tgtf (thank God it’s Friday).
Language use on social media is a variety of English language that is absolutely different from Standard English language of everyday use. While Standard English is subject to grammatical rules and concord, language use on social media is not fashioned to abide by any grammatical rules or concord. Instead, it is open to all as just any one can put up any word for use as far as he or she makes meaning to his or her recipient. However language use on social media is posing a lot of threat to Standard English language usage as students now take the writing of Standard English with levity.
The imperativeness of language and language usage as the only natural means of creating mutual understanding cannot be over emphasized. The gradual evolution of technology that gave birth to concepts such as digital age and globalization have impacted and redefined communication momentously. The adoption of social media as channels of exchanging information have in ways uncountable altered language and conventional language usage. Veteran users who are mostly young people by virtue of addiction have now coined a variety of online dialect that is constructing influence in the speech of youths and the vast diverse areas of language.
Eloquence and good mastery of English language is a celebrated global phenomenon. It is not only important in academic endevours but a prerequisite in all ramifications of professional activities both locally and internationally in today’s contemporary generation. . According to a study conducted on Malaysian youths by Saraswathy, ErPekHoon, Swagata Sinha Roy and Pok Wei Fong (2014) revealed that it the quality language spoken by Malaysian youths is gradually deteriorating and deviating from conventional standard as a result of improper and unprofessional usage on social media communication which ultimately brings to fore new phrases and words.
Aydin (2012) theorizes that abbreviated language developed on social technological platforms is severely interfering with the vocabulary of students negatively. He concluded that lot students learn and practice the online language by counter parting and observation in both speech and lettering. For example addicted handlers use (leet) instead of elite which is a total deviance from the conventional.
As usages of online platforms continue to increase many users (students and teenagers) have coined a peculiar language of communication on the platforms. (Aydin 2012). Holds that texting and jargons established and used during conversation in online platforms directly affects language as 90% of youths and students own a mobile phone while 96% actively enjoy texting. This shows that young people are active text messaging.
Kathleen & Anuhea (2010) see social media as a liability base on freedom of speech and poor regulation that came with the platforms, according to them the lack of censorship have posed serious challenges to people’s privacy and vocabulary more especially celebrities, that post items with clear linguistic challenges. According to Toutanova (2003) Revealed series of studies that detailed how writing accuracy on social media considerably dropped from 97% to 85% hence the magnitudes of language technology are dismal.
Foster (2011) validates the impact of social media on language based on the double digit accuracy deterioration experienced in multiple state of the art parsers when examined on online platforms methods of texting, Craig (2003) also added that the continuous use of abbreviation and uncommon slang during texting impedes the ability of students to implore prescribed literacy abilities. However other scholars consider social media as great platforms that facilitates vocabulary development and language learning. While some researchers claim that, frequency of usage and number of encounters in different forms and contexts determine the acquisition of new vocabulary. Meanwhile, Grosseck (2008) & Muñoz (2009) found that social media (Facebook and Twitter) give students the opportunity to exchange useful academic information. Group pages when created on either whatsapp or facebook enable students communicate and share valuable information about assignments and projects. In University of Maiduguri, a lot of students explained how well informed they are about class issues as a result of such platforms. Kabilan (2010) postulate that virtual environments created on social media could be used in the promotion of learning through language development since confidence, motivation and the constructive trust to communicate in English are built on the platforms.
However, on the effect of texting or writing Craig, (2003) & David (2008) concluded that social media in some ways develops learning via messaging as it makes viable like-hood to absorb language. Writing is a medium of human communication that represents language and emotion through the inscription or recording of signs and symbols. In most languages, writing is a complement to speech or spoken language. Writing relies on many of the same structures as speech – these include vocabulary, grammar, semantics, and punctuation with the added dependency on a system of signs and symbols usually in the form of alphabet (Fatimayin, 2015).
Going through some students writing, especially essay writing, one finds that punctuation marks and use of capital letters to begin names are non-existent. Voegtlin (2010) submits that her students ‘writing changed as their social media use increased. She claims to have noticed the use of abbreviated text spelling in her students’ writing. She asserts that her English language development students are more likely to write phrases that they see in text messages, such as “smthng’ or ‘smbdy’ rather than learn to spell the word correctly.
Furthermore, Egbe and Ekpe (2007) state that they noticed evidence of spellings associated with text messages in secondary school students’ composition during the marking sessions of the May/June and Nov/Dec examinations of the West African Examination Council (WAEC) and the National Examination Council (NECO). They further outlined the techniques employed in writing text messages and by extension, social media messages. These include:
1. The use of pidgin forms: dem-them, una de-how are you?, waka-go.
2. Deletion of last letter: wl-will, stil-still, hav-have, lov-love.
3. Spelling in numerals: 2-to, 4-for, 4rm-from, 4get-forget, in2-into, gr8-great.
4. Single letter spelling: u-you,c-see, n-and ,b-be, r-are,d-the.
5. Consonant clusters: gdnt-goodnight, ppl-people, dt-that,bt-but, urs-yours.
6. Use of phonemic: evri-every, oda-other, tot-thought,tnx-thanks, sori-sorry, bin-been, beta-better.. (Egbe&Ekpe, 2007:40-44)
2.4 Effects of Social Media on Students’ Writing
With the introduction of social media onto the scene, its effect on students’ writing is manifesting gradually. This is evident in the writing of many Nigerian students, especially in essay writing. The effect of social media language is seen mostly in these areas:
i. Grammar and spelling errors: The most common error social media language brings are grammar and spelling errors. Grammar and spelling are more important in school but abbreviations, wrong spelling and omission of rules of grammar are acceptable on social media. This brings conflicts to writing as students write inappropriate and incorrect grammar and spellings in their writings at school.
ii. Using Text Language: Abbreviations that are common in social media are frowned upon in formal writing. Students ought to spell words completely and not use ‘text speak’ or ‘slang’. Students’ academic writings are now marked by social media abbreviated words (text speak) and slangs. (www.poynter.org/news ).
Attention has been shifted from visible to invisible friends, while important ventures like study and writing are affected in the process, students addictiveness on SNSs can cause many disadvantages in some way:
a) It is not a suitable environment or it is inappropriate for formal teaching and learning activities (Kabilan et al. 2010. Shih, 2011).
b) May affect student learning outcomes and physical and mental health because, they spend too much using it.
c) It creates students‟ distractions (Yunus and Salehi, 2012).
d) It creates students habit of using short forms too much or informal writing, which leads to grammar mistakes (white, 2009).
e) Can result miscommunication because the writing can be lacking in the opportunities for expression, explanation, and clarification that are found in face-to-face interaction (Zaidieh,2012).(cited in Tharine ekamnoetsin ,2014).
A negative effect of social media in terms of learning English is that it may not provide a suitable environment for formal teaching and learning (Kabilan et al, 2010, Omar et al, 2012, Shih, 2016). Because it creates student‟s distraction and creates a habit of using too many short forms in writing (White, 2009, Yunus, et al, 2012).Moreover, Manan et al (2012) pointed out that engaging with social Media may also increase the usage of English poor quality because students tend to use non-standard English when interacting with each other online. Thus, the evidence regarding the effectiveness of social media, Facebook, on EFL learners‟ writing has been inconclusive.(cited in Tharinee Kamnoetsin, 2014).
2.5 Remedial approach to Curb Students’ Misuse of Language in Essay Writing
Limkani et al (2019) postulate that to curb students’ misuse of language in writing the following should be observed: Students should be encouraged to spend more time on productive academic engagements than merely just interacting with friends on social media. Also more academic utility should be introduced to social media platforms that will enable students not only chat but engage in intellectual activities which means developing more the academic activities than endless chatting that destroys their spelling abilities in conventional writing.
Based on the deleterious bearing of social media on students spelling ability, academic institutions should come up with ways of harnessing this social media in order to enhance students spelling ability since they are so addicted to social media. Furthermore, Okafor (2014) submitted that to curb students misuse of language that students should be taught the four components considered in marking essay writing properly, they should be made to know how using SMS in their formal writing can affect them in these components: mechanical, expression, organization and content. Teachers can achieve these by concentrating more on these components in the teaching of essay writing and in marking the essays; teachers should not focus on the content alone. In order to achieve communicative competence in the English language, students should not only see text messaging as the easier and quicker means of communication but should realize its negative effects on their academic work. They should imbibe the practice of writing formal letters and essays adhering to grammatical conventions and writing mechanics.
2.6 Appraisal of Related Studies
As stated in the problem of this study that series of studies have proved that social media has negative impact on students essay writing, here are some of the studies.
In a study on “impact of Facebook on undergraduate academic performance Moon (2011) averred that social media have negative impact on students. According to the result, the more students use facebook the more it affects their academic performance. Similarly, Oye (2012) noted that most of the younger students use social networking sites mainly for socializing activities rather than for academic purpose. Another study conducted by Shana (2012) revealed that students use social media mainly for making friends and chatting. The result showed that only 26 percent of the students (respondents) use social media for academic purpose.
Dansieh (2005) examined the impact of SMS language on the writing skills of students of WA polytechnic in Ghana. He found out that the students struggles with grammar, lexis and structure. Grinter and Eldridge (2001) investigated the use of text messaging among teenagers. They found out that the reason why they engage in mobile phone text messaging is that it helps them to retain privacy in a parent controlled life and how they maintain social relations outside school.
Young (2006) in a study titled “the effect of internet use and social media on the academic performance of students” explained that the wide tentacles of the internet have impacted greatly to the school lives of undergraduates and students generally. He noted that contemporary students nowadays fundamentally depend on social media for information sourcing and entertainment that are hugely related to school life. The researcher added that, internet, though time sapping, have less negative effects on studies. This is evident going by numerous observations carried out on some students of university of Maiduguri who are vigorous handlers of social media and yet the most intelligent in their respective classes.
A new research study found that widespread use of social media among freshman college students may compromise academic performance. The study is one of the first to explore mechanisms of media effects on academic outcomes. Investigators determined that use of media, from texting to chatting on cell phones to posting status updates on Facebook may lower grades for freshman female students (Nauert 2007).
Another study by Karpinski & Vein (2009) pointed out that social networking handlers create little or no time for their educations when compared to non-users. The study was able to ascertain and generalized that based on data collected and analyzed in relation to users and non-users CGPAs hence in the history of generations and their peculiar distractions, Social media usage and addiction is seen to be the foremost disturbance of this current generation (Karpinski & Duberstein (2009). All these studies are relatively useful for the current study, they set road to thread on the implication of social media on students uses of language, especially their writing styles which is contrary to official writing.
In conclusion, it is against this reviewed background, the study sought to investigate the impact of social media abbreviation on essay writing in English language in public secondary schools in Oyo West local government, Oyo state. To this end, the study aimed to address the following research question: What are the social media abbreviations used by the students; to what extent has social media abbreviation usage has affected students’ academic performance and how can the problem be curbed?
This chapter deals with the procedure used in carrying out this study. It includes research design, population, the sample and sampling techniques, instrumentation, methods of data collection and the analytical tools employed in the study.
3.1 Research Design.
Descriptive method of survey type was employed in the study. The design will be attempted to examine an accurate description on the impact of social media Abbreviation on essay writing of in English Language in public secondary schools in Oyo west local government Oyo State. Thus, the researcher tried to gather data on the identified research problem without manipulating any of the variables in the study.
3.2 Population of the Study
The target populations for the study comprised all students in public secondary in Oyo west local government Oyo State.
3.3 Sample and Sampling Techniques
The study employed simple random sampling technique. Thus, sample for the study consists of four (4) secondary schools in Oyo west local government Oyo State. In each school fifteen students were randomly selected and the prepared questions for interview and questionnaire will be administered.
S/N Schools Numbers of Students
1. Army Children Secondary School Ojongbodu. 15
2. Baptist Community High School, Isokun, Oyo. 25
3. Community High School, Awumoro, Oyo. 20
4. Ojongbodu Grammar School, Oyo. 15
Total 75
3.4 Research Instruments
The instrument that used for the study is “Essay Test” and “Questionnaire”. The essay test and questionnaire were designed and addressed by the target population to obtain the necessary information required in achieving the objectives of the study. The essay test question was designed, as well, check list to grade the students’ essay writing which the following were feature there: spelling errors punctuation mark, grammatical error, shortening of words, incomplete sentence and acronyms. Furthermore, the questionnaire was divided into two sections. Section ‘A’ provided Demographic Information of the respondents and partly explained how the questionnaire is to be filled, while section B was on research questions and key for the responds are: Strongly Agree=SA, Agree=A, Strongly, Disagree=SD and Disagree=D.
3.5 Validity of the Instruments
The instruments were subjected to both face and content validity to ensure that they measured what they were expected to measure. Face validity entails looking at questions and questionnaire respectively and deciding if they really measures what they are expected to measure. Content validity on the other hand, it has to do with the use of recognized subject matter experts to evaluate whether questionnaire assess defined content.
3.6 Reliability of the Instrument
Pilot test of the instruments were carried out to observe how the respondents react to both and questionnaires; whether the items are clear enough and easily understood, whether there is the need to include more items in certain areas, or whether there are some items to which they would not like to respond, etc. This helped determine the internal consistency and reliability of the questionnaires. A total of 5 students will be randomly selected as a sample outside the area of study, copies of the instrument was administered as a small, the results will be analysed to determining the validity of the instrument.
3.7 Method of Data Collection
Permission was sought from the school authorities and the participants were enlightened on how to attend to the both the interview questions and the Questionnaire, the participants thereafter were asked to complete the questionnaire. Ethical issues of assurances will be given on the basis of confidentiality and discretion of the study. The participants were informed about the purpose of the study and its seriousness and they were encouraged to be truthful in their responses. The researcher administered the questionnaire with the assistance of one research assistant that assisted in the distribution and collection of the questionnaires.
3.8 Methods of Data Analysis
Data collected was analysed with the use of percentages and each of the items were calculated and analysed based on respondents’ responses to each item.
Table 4.1: Age Distribution of Respondents
S/N Age Range Frequency Percent
1. 10 - 13 years 30 40.00
2. 14- 19 years 44 58.67
3. 20 and above 1 1.33
Total 75 100
From table 4.1 above, it could be inferred that majority of respondents were in range 14 – 19 years with 60% scale. The implication of this was that majority of the respondents were matured to decide on the style of writing.
Table 4.2: Academic Level of Respondents
S/N Class Frequency Percentage
1. JSS 1 to 3 30 40
2. SSS 1 to 3 45 60
Total 75 100
From table 4.3 above, it could be inferred that majority of respondents were in SS 1 to 3 with 60% scale. The implication of this is that majority of the respondents were about to graduate out of secondary schools and they were about to write external examination
4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis of Research Questions
Table 4.3 Research Question 1: What are the social media abbreviations used by the students?
Features Social Media Abbreviations Identified in the Students’ Written Work and their areas of Effect
AREA OF effect
SMS features Items Varieties Standard Spelling
Expression component Shortening words 2ld
Frien Tld
Dem, Dm Told
Could not
Expression Incomplete sentence BRB
BD Be right back
Be there
Mechanical accuracy Non-standard use of apostrophe Entr’d
D’t Entered
Don’t, Do not
Expression Non-standard spelling resumtn
Bcos In2roducing
Dey Resumptn
Bcus, bcs
Introducn, intro
Dy Resumption
Mechanical accuracy Exaggerated use of exclamation marks Hurray!!!! Hurray!
Wrong use of capital letters
You(in the middle of sentence),
philip, amina
Philip, Amina
Content Acronyms RIFOM
FOYI Right in front of me
So help me God
For your information
From the observation taken from students essay writing, many social media abbreviations have been found in their formal essays. These mistakes have been divided into many types, each one put into the category it belongs to. The types of mistakes that were taken into consideration are: shortening words, spelling, exclamation marks, capitalization and acronyms as they can be seen in the above table 4.3. They use abbreviations that are related to social media. Most of the problems were as a result of their lack of concentration and the habit of texting on social media which affect negatively on their writing and may commit mistakes unconsciously.
Table 4.4 Research Question 2: To what extent has social media abbreviation usage has affected students’ academic performance?
AREA OF effect
SMS features Frequency Percentage
Expression component Shortening words 62 82.67
Expression Incomplete sentence 53 70.67
Mechanical accuracy Non-standard use of apostrophe 43 57.33
Expression Non-standard spelling 71 94.67
Mechanical accuracy Exaggerated use of exclamation marks 23 30.67
Wrong use of capital letters
56 74.67
Content Acronyms 23 30.67
Total 75 100
From the above table 4.4 it could be inferred that majority of the participants committed errors in their essay writing due to their addition to social media abbreviations.
Table 4.5 Research Question 3: How problem of social media abbreviation can be curbed?
S/N Items SA % A % D % SD %
1. For better understanding one need to write accurately on social media. 25 33.3 29 38.7 7 9.3 14 18.7
2. It is good to use auto correct on one’s phone while typing on social media. 36 48 25 33.3 7 9.3 7 9.3
3. One needs to distinguish from academic writing and social media writing while writing essay. 56 74.7 11 14.7 3 4.0 5 6.7
4. There is need for constant recheck of one essay while writing for academic purpose. 42 56.0 14 18.7 10 13.3 11 14.7
5. Students need to desist from social media abbreviation 52 67.3 16 21.3 3 4.0 4 5.3
Total number of frequency 75 100%
From table 4.5 above it could be inferred that majority of the respondents strongly agreed and agreed to the itemized solution to curb in social media abbreviations problem which has been affecting students’ essay writing.
4.3 Discussion of Findings
Research question one was on the social media abbreviations commonly used by the students. From the result of the findings, the following were the common social media abbreviations that was reflected in the assessed students essay writing: Shortening words “2ld” “4ortunately” “Em” “Yr” “Abt” “Goin” “B4” “D” “Cdn” “Sci” “Frien”, which the correct spellings are: “Told” “Fortunately” “Them” “Year” “About” “Going” “Before” “The” “Could not or Couldn’t” “Science” “Friend” respectively. Other were: incomplete sentence; Non-standard use of apostrophe; exaggerated use of exclamation marks; wrong use of capital letters and acronyms. The outcome of this findings correlate Voegtlin (2010) submission that her students ‘writing changed as their social media use increased. She claims to have noticed the use of abbreviated text spelling in her students’ writing. She asserts that her English language development students are more likely to write phrases that they see in text messages, such as “smthng’ or ‘smbdy’ rather than learn to spell the word correctly.
Research question two was on extent to which social media abbreviation usage has affected students’ academic performance. From the finding of the study, it was revealed that the majority of the assessed participants used social media abbreviations in high degree. The degrees are: out of 75 participants 94.67% used non-standard spellings in the essay writing; 82.67% used shortening words; 74.67% used wrong use of capital letters; 70.67% used incomplete sentences; 57.33% used Non-standard use of apostrophe and 30.67% used of exaggerated of exclamation marks respectively. The implication of these high occurrences is gradual degeneration and deterioration of Standard English. The outcome of this study proved the assertions of White, (2009) and Zaidieh, (2012) right when the opined that social media creates students habit of using short forms too much or informal writing, which leads to grammar mistakes (white, 2009); Can result miscommunication because the writing can be lacking in the opportunities for expression, explanation, and clarification that are found in face-to-face interaction (Zaidieh, 2012).
Research question three was on how problem of social media abbreviation can be curbed. From the outcome of the findings of this study that social media abbreviation can be curbed with the following means: enlightenment on better understanding of one need to write accurately on social media; use auto correct on one’s phone while typing on social media; distinguishes from academic writing and social media writing while writing essay; constant recheck of one essay while writing for academic purpose; and necessity to desist from social media abbreviations by the students. This postulated remedies correlates with the submission of Okafor (2014) submitted that to curb students misuse of language that students should be taught the four components considered in marking essay writing properly, they should be made to know how using SMS in their formal writing can affect them in these components: mechanical, expression, organization and content. Teachers can achieve these by concentrating more on these components in the teaching of essay writing and in marking the essays; teachers should not focus on the content alone. In order to achieve communicative competence in the English language, students should not only see text messaging as the easier and quicker means of communication but should realize its negative effects on their academic work. They should imbibe the practice of writing formal letters and essays adhering to grammatical conventions and writing mechanics.
This chapter presents the summary of the major findings, implications; it also puts forth the conclusion made based on the finding. It is the hope of the researcher that useful recommendations made in the study will be implemented by those concerned with on the impact of social media Abbreviation on essay writing of in English Language in public secondary schools in particular, where this study was based and Nigeria in general.
5.1 Summary of the Study
The study focused on the impact of social media Abbreviation on essay writing of in English Language in public secondary schools in Oyo west local government Oyo State. The concept social media, Abbreviation and English Language contents were examined.
The study was structured into five chapters. Chapter one gave the background to the study, statement of the problem, research questions significance of the study, scope of the study, and definition of terms were given within the chapter. Chapter two consisted of the review of the related literatures to the study. Chapter three gave the methodology used in study. The result and discussion of the findings from the analyzed data were presented in chapter four. This chapter is also made up of the description of the findings, the opinion of the respondents on the examined content. In all, four research questions were analysed. From the result, the analyses revealed that social media abbreviations reflected in students essay writings, which has affected students’ academic performance in English Language. However, findings of this study revealed that social media abbreviation can be curbed with the following means: enlightenment on better understanding of one need to write accurately on social media; use auto correct on one’s phone while typing on social media; distinguishes from academic writing and social media writing while writing essay
5.2 Conclusion
Social media language is slowly corroding the writing of students making them write without care for grammatical and spelling rules. It revealed that the errors in students’ writing are committed because of their daily exposure to social language. Some students tend to transfer social media abbreviations, misspellings and lack of grammar rules into their writing. Teachers and caregivers should strive to make students understand that there is a difference between formal and informal writing and that each type of writing has a purpose and an audience the content should address.
5.3 Recommendation
It is therefore recommended that:
• Students should be encouraged and reminded to stick to using the standard variety of English in formal writing.
• Teachers, who have not been doing so, should identify the use of abbreviation, and acronyms in students’ writing and correct them immediately.
• Teacher should give students a lot of drills in spelling, and lessons on the use of grammar and punctuation.
• Students should spend more time on productive academic engagements than merely just interacting with friends on social media. Also more academic utility should be introduced to social media platforms that will enable students not only chat but engage in intellectual activities which means developing more the academic activities than endless chatting that destroys their spelling abilities in conventional writing.
• Based on the deleterious bearing of social media on students spelling ability, academic institutions should come up with ways of harnessing this social media in order to enhance students spelling ability since they are so addicted to social media.
5.4 Recommendation for Further research
Based on the outcome of this study, the following are recommended for further research:
i. A research should be carried out on this same topic in other higher academic institutions of learning in Nigeria and beyond.
ii. ii. A research should be carried out on the advantages of social media on students spelling ability.
iii. iii. Also, a research should be conducted to ascertain the usefulness of social media by academic institutions to enhance students spelling ability and a better learning environment going by the trends of technology.
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