The theme of racial discrimination in America of the 1950s which impacts the lives of African Americans particularly the Maxsons. Gabriel, Troy’s brother and a veteran of World War Il is slightly demented and ignored by the larger white American Society. He had a metal plated lodged in his head during the war. Gabriel is Troy’s younger brother and he is the only one of Troy's siblings that we encounter in the play. He is a Second World War veteran who has returned home with a disabling head injury that has made him mentally unsound. He is Uncle to Lyons, Cory and Raynell and Rose’s brother-in-law.
The interactions of characters, speeches, or scenes in a literary work that alleviate tension by creating fun or humour is referred to as comic relief. Gabriel’s funny actions and speeches are attributed to his mental state, but they add to the reader’s interest by lessening the tension in the family. Gabriel’s delusional actions and speeches include Seeing himself as Archangel Gabriel. Seeing and chasing “hell hounds”. Believing he died long ago and went to heaven where he shared “some big fat biscuits with St. Peter”. He blows with fanfare his trumpet that gives no sound. Gabriel Surprises everyone with his appearance at Troy’s funeral because he had been restricted to the nursing home after he was reported to disturb the peace of the neighnourhood and everyone had thought he won’t be allowed to come. He does a slow eerie dance while announcing he is going to tell St. Peter to open the gate for Troy.
Gabriel’s Comic Relief focuses attention on the excesses of racial discrimination. It Implicates Troy Maxson in his selfish use of his brother’s money. It Provides spaces for audience laugher to lessen the tension in the family. Gabriel's dance at Troy's funeral suggests intercession. His brother’s deeds are now forgiven and Saint Peter is ready to receive him. Gabriel blowing his trumpet with no sound helps to suggest the futility of life as shown in Troy’s own life and death.
Theme of racial discrimination and its negative impact on the lives of African Americans in the 1950’s. Troy Maxson complicates an already uneasy family life with his extra-marital affair with Alberta. Plot as a sequence of events dictated by the actions of the characters in a play. In the play, Troy Maxson’s home is the centre of most of the actions and events, except those recalled by flashback. Raynell is Troy’s extra-marital daughter whose mother, Alberta, dies in childbirth at the hospital. Raynell is brought home by Troy “wrapped in blankets’. She is step sister to Cory and Lyons and niece to Gabriel (Gabe).
Events before Ratynell’s integration into Maxson family seem to be very much under control - no significant upheavals. Raynell’s entry into the family introduces the most significant crisis the family has to deal with. (a) Maxson is disowned by Rose as her husband; “From right now... this child got a mother but you a womanless man’. Cory is on his mother’s side and shows disrespect to his father, even ending up fighting him after the fracas at the porch. Rose’s acceptance of Raynell eases the crisis but things are never the same again with the relationship until Troy's death.
Raynell is a source of comfort for the family as Rose is left with Raynell after Troy’s sudden death. Rose introduces Raynell to Cory and Lyons as her eldest siblings. Lyons says: ‘Look al Raynell. Ain’t she precious’. Raynell sings late Troy's favourite song on Blue. Raynell explains it “Papas dog that he sings about all the time’ And she adds that "Blue laid down and died like a man’ after Cory has joined her in singing the song. Rose prepares Raynell to get into her rather tight shoes to artend church fer Troy's burial.