Ann Iwuagwu hails from the Eastern Region. She is from Dim-Na-Nume Isu in Nwangele L.G.A of Imo State. She is a prolific novelist, educationist and public servant. She had her secondary education at Marist Comprehensive Academy, Uturu,Okigwe. She gains her Bachelor of Education (French) Degree from the University of Ibadan. She is a writer who has her primary interest in changing the world through pen.
Amongst her works are: The Beautiful Road to Sodom, The Career Woman (sequel to “The Complete Mother”), The Minister and the Mind, The Best Baby Ever Had, and Arrow of Destiny.
Setting- Is the time and geographic location within a narrative, either nonfiction or fiction.
The work is a contemporary work, which has three settings:
And Abroad
Cynthia lives in Pereluke G.R.A in Port-Harcourt. Her parents send her to school and she faces her studies squarely. Her parents travelled to the United Kingdom and left her in Nigeria with his brother Ikechukwu and Uncle Auswer.
After some times, Cynthia uncle, Auswer also travelled to the United Kingdom and was left in care of her brother Ikechukwu and his girlfriend who usually buys her things. Cynthia heard about the death of her mother and was deeply saddened. Her mother corpse was brought to Port-Harcourt to be buried. After some days, her grandmother who could not bear the loss of Cynthia’s mother also die and this made Cynthia cry to the extent that she fell sick.
Cynthia’s brother girlfriend who is now his wife became hostile and unfriendly to her. The wife made sure Cynthia’s brother sent her away from the house after she accused Cynthia of witchcraft and the one behind her childlessness.
Cynthia is so worried about her life and she cries so often. She has a friend in school that they love each other and plays together and now that she did not know where else to go; she goes to her friend’s family for help and they accepted and brought her into their family. She had received kindness from her friend’s mother before on the day she was on her way to school and had blood stained on her uniform. The woman took her home, cleaned her up and educates her on puberty. And now that she is homeless, the woman takes her in and took good care of her.
Cynthia and her friend were on their way to collect JAMB results when they met a woman called Mrs Isa who specifically told Cynthia that her brother Idris will take good care of her if Cynthia gains admission into University of Port-Harcourt. She says Cynthia can come for his contact once her admission is offered. Cynthia eventually gain admission into University of Port-Harcourt to study Home-management but her guardians were unable to pay for her school fees. She then remembers Mrs Isa and what she promised and went to her for help. Mrs Isa gave her money for transport to her brother’s place. When she got there, she introduced herself and Idris who already like her agrees to help her. He pays for her studies and all she ever needed.
Cynthia is in her final year when Idris proposed to her. Idris says “Please marry me” but Cynthia was convinced he should have said “Please will you marry me?” She accepted unhappily and they celebrated it.
After their court marriage, Cynthia was not able to give birth but she would advised Idris to go for check up at the hospital to know what is wrong with his body system but he would not heed to her advice. Tunde, a friend of Idris introduced him to an undergraduate girl called Idara. Idris fell in love with Idara and married her and the marriage produced two children. Idris now being the father of two boys, he sent Cynthia packing out of his house due to her childlessness.
Cynthia, having packed out of the house in the dead of the night knew nowhere to go to. There was cult rivalry going on in the city but Cynthia unaware of this stood under a tree hopelessly and being soaked in rain. A police officer called Boma was on patrol when he saw a pretty Cynthia under the tree crying uncontrollably. Boma asked what she was doing there but she gave no reply. Boma took her to a guest house and to visit her the following morning.
At 7am, Boma visits Cynthia at the guest house. He asked again what Cynthia was doing under the tree the night before. Cynthia broke down in tears and explained her sad experiences about life and marriage. She told Boma she would be leaving Port-Harcourt for Abuja and Boma gives her transport fare of one hundred and fifty thousand naira. Cynthia got to Abuja and explained what Idris had done to her to Mrs. Isa. she was so sorry for her but she would not blame her brother because Cynthia too did not give birth.
Boma talked to himself he had made a mistake not to have asked for Cynthia’s phone number while she only has his. Cynthia got a job in Abuja at the Ministry of works as a Personal Assistant. Her boss is friendly and lovely. And so she sent Boma a text message to thank him for changing her life and also to express how she feels in Abuja. Boma too has been posted to the Ministry of Defence in Port-Harcourt and there was a conference the Ministry organised that Cynthia represented her boss and Boma too is expected to be in attendance. They both had so much laughter when they met after the meeting. Boma collected Cynthia’s phone number and moved to their hotel of residence for the two days meeting. Boma used this opportunity to propose to Cynthia but she turned down his proposal but Boma did not relent as he continues asking Cynthia to marry him. Cynthia was confused asking herself what Boma really wanted after all she could not give birth but she had to give in to the pressure from Boma and she said yes to his marriage proposal. Boma goes down on his knee and put a finger in her hand. Both Cynthia and Boma were happy and they got married.
Not long after their marriage, Cynthia got sick and Boma was afraid and took her to the hospital. It was at the hospital that Cynthia was confirmed pregnant for four months. A scan was done and it was triplets. Boma was very happy. He got a rose flower and wrote “you’re pregnant” on it. When Cynthia wakes, she read it and faints. Boma waited for her to be brought back and they both went home. Dr Smart operated on Cynthia and she gave birth to two boys and one girl. And they continue to live happily.
Mrs Isa got of the news but she was sad and went to deliver the message to Idris. She noticed that her brother is now silent as a burial ground and with a bottle of alcoholic drink. Idris explained to Mrs Isa that his wife, Idara made deal with David, her roommate to impregnate her and then give the pregnancy to him since his problem is to be the father of a child. And David had come to claim his children. They had gone to the hospital and it was confirmed that all the children belonged to David and not Idris. Idara and the children packed out. Idris was left without wife and children, lovers and friends.
Theme of Fate: The theme of Fate is embedded in “Arrow of Destiny”. One could actually understand that fate plays serious part in Cynthia’s journey of life. She tasted both the sweet and sore parts of fate; she isn’t given a better fate but she also had the best of it.
At her tender age, she is left to be cared for by her grandmother, although she never in a bit missed the absence of her mother, because she’s gifted with a grandmother that loves her very much. Her life seems to crumble losing her mother and then, her grandmother in space of time.
Growing up is never rosy for Cynthia as she struggles, she grows up without parental care. When is been left to looked after and cared for by her Uncle Paul. But her favourable breeze changes to horrible breeze of treatment from her only family around her. Cynthia rejection by her Uncle inculcated her the thought of believing what other people called her (Seeing herself as a witch as she is called by Fatimi, her uncle’s wife). In her marital life, she has hope to have children, to save her home and marital status, but she suffers such joy. Despite all she does, she’s seen thrown out like a piece of rag by Idris. Her fate turns around for good, when she meets Mr. Boma, going back to Abuja and reunion with Mrs. Serah Peters. Meeting Mrs. France brings another blessing, as she is automatically made her Personal assistance in good line.
Fate also brings her father and only brother back to her. Cynthia also enjoys the rest of life journey in the novel, despite encountering misfortunes earlier on.
Theme of Deceit: Idara was able to get into the life of Idris through deceit. Her pregnancies and children were for David and not for Idris. She knew Idris was desperate to have children and so she connives with David. She did that because of Idris’s money. Her secrets were known later when David came to claim his wife and children and Idris was left with no one and became a drunkard.
Idris reason for going into marriage is solely for procreation and posterity purposes. In search for this, he becomes vulnerable and is easily deceived by Idara. Blinded by his penchant for children and his ego, (which brought him to his doom) he ill-treats God’s blessing to him in the representation of Cynthia, sends her out of his house, and seals his fate by bringing Idara to enjoy his wealth.
Idara a young poor undergraduate, sees the opportunity to be liberated from poverty, takes advantage of the situation. She gets pregnant for David -a fellow student and possess the pregnancy as Idris’.
When her fortune and paradise she builder for herself comes crawling down thus she says, “God has already designed our destiny, but we redesign it to suit out greed. I am sweating in an air conditioned room. My paradise, the land flowing with milk and honey that I envisioned for myself is gradually turning to hellhole. I have built my household on the foundation of deceit”. (pg213)
Education as a Tool for Women’s Liberation: Despite Cynthia’s suffering and Idris attempt to stop her from continuing her education, Cynthia, nonetheless determined not to give up.
In Cynthia’s words “In all of that, I was focused on my education, I did not allow the marital problems to affect my studies. I knew that being educated was the only way out” (pg65). Through this statement, Iwuagwu encourages focus among women in the fight against female oppression and quest for liberation. Like most women and feminist believe, Cynthia believes that education is the key that will break women free from the clusters of men’s oppression and deprivation.
Theme of good versus evil: Fitima’s strong aversion at Cynthia stirs her bringing fake prophetess to tarnish Cynthia’s image, thereby calling her a witch and finally making her to look like one.
She ends up manipulating her uncle’s mind against his only niece. This results to total rejection by her Uncle. Characters like Sandra, enchants her husband while Idara deceives Idrisin believing that he is the father of her three children.
Domestic Abuse: The marriage of Cynthia and Idris was at first a bit peaceful at the beginning until a few months after the court marriage when Idris started wondering why she hasn’t gotten pregnant yet. His attitude towards her changed, he got angry at her every little mistake, he insults her whenever he gets the chance, he stopped eating get food, he slept out and stopped showing any sign of care.
The marriage became living hell for Cynthia, she could never have a moment of peace in the house, if Idris wasn’t drunk at night, he would be angry, he made it a daily task for him to remind her that she was barren. She lived in complete fear of Idris. Idris maltreated and brought home his girlfriend’s while Cynthia was made to watch and serve as a maid for the girls. Idris went as far as beating her and treating her like trash because he knew she had no one to run to.
Pride: This is particularly seen in the character Idris. Idris had so much pride in himself and he believed that there was nothing he couldn’t do, he also felt that he could have his way in anything he does or anywhere he goes. Pride was dominant in him seeing as he was the only son in his family and always had his way, his family always let him do what he wanted because he was the only one they had to continue the family lineage, so he grew up having that masculine pride.
It was this masculine pride that made him get angry whenever Cynthia suggested he see a doctor or follow her to see the doctor for a fertility test, he got angry to the extent of beating her the a pulp because he felt that there wasn’t a reason why he shouldn’t be able to father a child and that there could be no problem with him, he believed that he could have gotten any other woman pregnant and that if there was a problem, it should be from Cynthia not him so he shouldn’t and wouldn’t be going for a fertility test.
This masculine pride is seen in most African men; they believe that if there is an issue of infertility in a family then the problem isn’t from the man but the woman. They believe that whatever a man does is the right thing to do and that whatever the man says is wrong for a woman to do then it is wrong. The character Idris is a perfect example.
Feminism: The second chapter where Cynthia finally begins to open up to Mr. Boma helps us to know Cynthia’s story better. She is a woman who has been through emotional, physical and verbal abuse and breakdown. After the death of her mother and grandmother. Then, Idris and his family. Cynthia makes no trouble but peace with Mrs. Isa before she leaves to Mrs. Peter’s house where she was given in her institute. Further into the work, Cynthia reunites with Mr. Boma. Cynthia is clearly in love with Mr. Boma as he is in love with her, but she is reluctant because of her experience and fear as Mr. Boma has predicted but she overcomes this fear by accepting and marrying Mr. Boma and with him she has triplet, finding happiness, reuniting with her father, who left her all alone in her own world and has to stay with her uncle Paul and his wife, who physically and verbally abuses her until she is able to convince her uncle to send her packing. Although Cynthia meets a helper, Mrs. Serah Peters who takes good care of her and raises her like her own child, life does not automatically become smooth for Cynthia. She meets Mrs. Isa who promises her sponsor for higher institution in place of marriage. Although Mrs. Isa keeps her promise of sponsor her studies, Cynthia later comes to realise that marrying Idris is her greatest mistake.
Idris has no love for Cynthia but wants her to bear him a child as he is the only son of his parents and he becomes a beast when she fails to do so, disregarding all claims that he could be the reason. Idris abuses and maltreats Cynthia without pity, saying and doing whatever he feels like. Despite all this Cynthia tries her best to be a good wife to him but Idris goes as far as having children with another woman, Idara and bringing her into the house with her children. Cynthia endures all these until she is thrown out of the house by Idris after a little accident and injury of Idris’ and Idara’s son.
Although Cynthia does not take the step to leave the house herself, we can see that after leaving the house of Idris, and landing in Abuja, Cynthia feels a sense of “Self Realization” and inner happiness and she vows to never go back without even demanding any settlement from Idris and his family. Cynthia makes no trouble but peace with Mrs. Isa before she leaves to Mrs. Peter’s house where she was given a job in Mrs Peter’s institute. Further into the work, Cynthia reunites with Mr. Boma. Cynthia is clearly in love with Mr. Boma as he is in love with her, but she is reluctant because of her experience and fear as Mr. Boma has predicted but she overcomes this fear by accepting and marrying Mr. Boma and with him, she has triplets, finding happiness again, and reunites with her father and her only brother Ikechukwu.
Bareness: The theme of bareness runs through the story. Cynthia brother’s wife could not give birth to a child and as such, she accused Cynthia of witchcraft and the one behind her childlessness. She was sent out due to that. Cynthia too could not give birth when married to Idris unknown to her that Idris was the one with the problem. She sees herself as a barren woman and was sent packing out of the house only after Idara was able to give two children.
Kindness: Mrs: Isa showed Kindness to Cynthia when she has stain on her uniform in secondary school. She also accepted that Cynthia stay with them after she was sent out by her brother Ikechukwu when his wife accused Cynthia of witchcraft. Boma also showed kindness to Cynthia when he helped her while she stood in the rain and in danger after her husband, idris asked her to leave his house due to her childlessness. Cynthia could have been killed by the rivalry cult members.
Death: The death of Cynthia’s parent and her grandmother contributed to her suffering. She would not have gone through those very difficult moments of her life has she got love from her family.
Joy of motherhood: The joy of motherhood is child bearing. Cynthia goes though a lot because of this but becomes a happy person after having two boys and girl to call her own.
Cynthia- the central character and herione of the story, who remains undisputable.
She is the only duaghter of Mr. and Mrs Enejor, sister to Ikechukwu. She is an example of an African strong woman, who has potential, will and determination in goal setting and goal actualization. At a very tender age, she is left to be taken care of by her grandmother, who showers her with so much love. She experiences so much deprivation after losing both her mother and grandmother. She tasted a bitter fate as a young girl, adult and wife.
Cynthia is a typical example of a well determined woman, who persevered till the end. After getting married to Idris for the sake of actualizing her education, she remains undisrupted to achieving her aim. She experiences ten years of fruitless marriage with Idris, until she is kicked out. She had her self-realization of becoming a fulfilled woman, and agreeing to remarry Mr. Boma, a man who loves everything about her. She has an accommodating and forgiving spirit, as she forgives her Uncle Paul, his wife, Fatimi and Mrs. Isa for their bad treatments. She reunites with her father and her brother, Ikechukwu.
Cynthia achieved her goals through certain potential women like Mrs. Serah Peters and Mrs. Franca Godwin. She becomes a happy married woman and mother triplet- two boys and a girl, in the end.
Mr. Boma – A military officer, who is charged with security duty in the street over cults infighting. He is first five siblings of his parent, from Kalahari clan of Rivers State. He studies Sociology and Criminology in University of Ife. He immediately joins the Army after his National Youth service. He is a man who insists to secure Cynthia’s safety, when she is stranded and homeless in the lonely street of Perekulu, despite her rejection, he remains adamant to rejection, and insists helping her.
Mr. Boma listens to Cynthia’s touching, gets inspired and enamored with her. He remains a single, hardworking man until he meets Cynthia, whom unimagined becomes his lovely wedded wife in the end.
Mr. Boma is a gentle man, who extends big gestures after saving Cynthia from cults operation at night. He gives her hundred and fifty thousand for her transportation to Abuja and her upkeep until she settles down. Unknowingly, he begins to develop soft spot in his heart for Cynthia and eventually falls in love with her.
Mr. Boma marries Cynthia despite knowing her predicament of ten years of childless marriage. To him, he loves Cynthia even before anything else. He believes Children comes from God, and if God wills to give them children, they will have children, and if not, they’ll adopt. All he cares is to be with Cynthia and spends his entire life with her, after falling in love with her.
He pushes Cynthia into reconciling with her uncle Paul and that makes his wishes of her seeing her father again comes to reality. He becomes a proud and happy a husband as he has Cynthia as his wife, and then happier and fulfilled as father of triplet.
Idris- Cynthia’s ex-husband, and a brother to Mrs. Isa.
He works in an oil company at Agip, and through Cynthia’s aid he is promoted to higher position, there becoming wealthier than before meeting her.
Idris is a wayward husband, who domestically abuses Cynthia over the issues of their childless marriage. He is a proud and arrogant figure, who Channels all the blames of the childlessness to Cynthia without knowing at first that he is the cause of their problem. He is a typical example of some “Stone Age” African men who blame their wife over their childlessness issue. Just like Cynthia agrees to marry Idris because of her education sponsorship, Idris marries Cynthia because of children; he wants his family lineage to keep running. Having Cynthia as a wife never stops his wayward life: he cheats on her, clubs and lives all kind of nasty and naughty life. He gets frustrated over their childlessness, thereby tries harder to stop Cynthia in her education pursuit. He pulls out from fulfilling his responsibility as a husband. He meets Idara, who deceives him to believing he is responsible for her pregnancy and fathering her children. He kicks Cynthia out of his house and later divorces her. In the end, he realizes he is being deceived by Idara, and regrets ever losing Cynthia.
Idara- A practical woman, who executes her plans without hesitation. She’s a mistress, whom Idris makes out with. She takes advantage of Idris strong desire of wanting children. Through her, readers get to understand that Idris is an impotent. She tries to give Idris’s a child, but to no avail. She then executes her plan, by having David her course mate, to impregnate her with a good pay, and deceives Idris into believing to father their three children. She takes the advantage and maltreats Cynthia in her own home. Nemesis caught up with her, when David wants his children back, thereby disclosing everything to Idris. Idara commits suicide after Idris kicks her, together with her children out of his house. She could not endure the shame.
Mrs. Serah Peters- A caring mother and wife of Mr. Peters. She loves Cynthia and gives her the motherly care she lacks after the death of her grandmother. She educates her on sex-education after Cynthia sees her first menstrual cycle, which stains her uniform. As a mother, cares for Cynthia and accommodates even when her Uncle Paul kicks her out of his house. Mrs. Serah and her family couldn’t carry the weight of sponsoring Cynthia after gaining admission to study Home management science in University of Port-Harcourt, but they wish her good and pray for her. She receives Cynthia back as a mother receives her long lost child when she comes back to Abuja after ten years. As an owner of school of Catering and Fashion, she offers Cynthia a job as one of the teachers in her school. She remains a huge blessing to Cynthia.
Mrs Franca Edwin- A wife to Dr. Edwin, who is the chairman of the People’s Co-operative party (PCP). She’s one of the big dignitaries Cynthia meets through her work as an event planner, a decorator and a baker. She gets in good touch with Cynthia after Cynthia’s beautiful and successful wedding plan for her daughter. Mrs. Franca loves Cynthia, she gets acquaint with her, and chooses her as her personal Assistant after her appointment as a “Minister for Internal Affairs in Federal Republic of Nigeria”. She remains a huge blessing to Cynthia.
Mrs. Isa- Idris’s elder sister, who finds Cynthia comely to become his brother’s wife. She meets Cynthia close to the Cyber where she and her friend check their result. She proposes Cynthia to marry his brother, agreeing to sponsor her education.
She’s a cunny woman, who hides his brother’s true nature from Cynthia. She supports her brother’s decision to bring in Idara, as all they want remain children. She knows her brother to be a wayward figure, yet she never discloses such knowledge to Cynthia. This is the exact reason she wants Idris to marry Cynthia to procreate, while he lives his wayward life. The news of Cynthia’s triplet is given to her by Kate, her friend. Both she and her brother lose in the end, and she regrets all her actions and seeks for Cynthia’s forgiveness.
Uncle Paul- Cynthia’s uncle, who is left to take care of Cynthia alone, after Asuwe leaves to Abroad to continue his education. Uncle Paul remains a good man, who loves and cares for Cynthia, until he marries his Fiancée, Fatimi. As a man he could appreciates his wife loving his only niece, but instead he is being manipulated to hate her niece instead. This is to say that Uncle Paul marries a deceitful woman, who fakes loving Cynthia initially, for her ambition of becoming Paul’s wife. Uncle Paul falls into his wife’s net of manipulation as he reluctantly believes the false prophetess and eventually kicks Cynthia out of his house.
Fatimi- A wife to Uncle Paul, who first pretends to love Cynthia in other to get into the house. She shows her true colour after successfully becoming Paul’s wife. She hates Cynthia, thereby giving her bruises and domestically maltreats her. When Cynthia tells her Uncle Paul about her maltreatment, she gets more strong aversion from Mrs Fatimi. She vows to kick her out of her house. She blames Cynthia over her barrenness, and goes further to connive with a fake prophetess to label her a witch. She manipulates her husband over hating his niece, and finally him to send Cynthia out of their house.
Other characters are:
David- The biological father of Idara’s children.
Uncle Asuwe- another Cynthia’s uncle, who travels abroad to continue his education. He vows to set all ties with his brother, Paul, if he fails to find Cynthia.
Sandra– Cynthia’s course mate who enchants her husband, and tries to convince Cynthia into doing the same to Idris.
Ikechukwu- Cynthia’s only brother.
Mr. Enejor- Cynthia and Ikechukwu’ father
Dr. Junior Smart- Cynthia and Mr. Boma’s family doctor.
Dr. Ikedi- Idriss family doctor