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Monday, November 28, 2022





1.1 Background to the Study

The use of Social Network Sites (SNSs) among students of tertiary institutions especially, among higher institution students is becoming popular and fashionable. Most students do not want to be left out but get actively connected to the social media sites, and for that matter social websites and applications now proliferate. The question is whether students use social networking extensively for their academic work. Social network comprises a set of individuals who are interconnected through certain relationships such as friendship, co-working or information exchange (Garton, Haythornthwaite & Wellman, 1997). Social network has provided us the opportunity to connect with people and build better relationships with friends and relations. It brings down Communication barriers and raise users voice since users are able to communicate their thoughts and perceptions over different topics with a large number of audiences. It offers opportunities for businesses, since businesses have noticed the value of social networks in their life, and they are using different techniques to promote their products. On the other hand, the extensive use of social media can actually cause addiction to the users. It also leads to isolation since extreme usage of social media has reduced the level of human interaction. Larry (2011) in a paper presented at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, said pre-teens and teenagers who use technology, like the Internet and Video games, on a regular basis will have more stomach aches, sleeping problems, anxiety and depression. He pointed out that Teens who use facebook continuously may show narcissistic tendencies and young adults show more signs of other psychological disorders.

On the other hand, the age distribution of facebook users is concentrated on the younger categories where 300million users are 18-24 years old, and 120million users are between 13-17 years old ( The previous website indicated a nearly equal distribution of users between males and females. Finally, Jordan accounted for 2.5million facebook users at the end of 2012, with similar-internet users’ size ( The last statistics indicate that Jordanians use facebook through their mobiles, and the internet, such high penetration (38%) is indicative of the importance of facebook and the social media domain for young people.

The use of information and communication technology (ICT is an important factor that opened doors for distant learning. Such phenomenon is called “e-learning”, where ICT is used as a facilitator of communication, assignment management and task collaboration in universities (HarbAbu-Shanab, 2009). E-learning systems are becoming important not in university environment, but in Jordan concluded that e-learning systems are not fully utilized in Jordan and many applications are not used by students and instructors (Abu-Shanab, Ababneh & Momani, 2012). Such results indicate that it is important to reach students whenever they are especially on social media applications.

The impact of the internet on education is an important issue that has caught both educators’ and practitioners’ attention in recent years Momani, (2012). According to Harasim, 2012, three modes of education delivery make online education distinctive. They are:

Adjunt mode: Using networking to enhance traditional face-to-face education or distance education.

Mixed Mode: Employing networking as a significant portion of a traditional class-room or distance course.

Pure Online Mode: Relying on networking as the primary teaching medium for the entire course or program.

Among these three education delivery modes, the pure online mode has caught the most attention. Several successful cases or critical factors of pure online education have been reported, one major concern of online education is whether the learning effective. Many studies have been conducted to explore the effectiveness of web-based distance learning or asynchronous learning. For Kosh-Brunch, A; and Hershkovitz, A. (2012).

Among most studies showed that the learning outcomes of the distance learning or a synchronous learning are as effective as or more effective than those of traditional face-to-face teaching Van-Vooren, C. and Bes, C.(2013). The results were not conclusive since the learning material and goals might exert significant influence outcomes.

In views of the above the study find out the influence of facebooking and social media use on academic performance among University students in Oyo, Oyo State.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The use of facebook and social media networking sites among students of tertiary institutions is now wide spread. It seems to becoming popular and Fashionable in the universitieswhich may one way or the other affect the performance of the students. The researchers are so much concerned about the students spending so much time on social networks chatting with friends, watching movies, posting photo, etc at the expense of academic activities. It is on the basis of this fact that the study was conducted to assess the influence of facebooking and social media on Academic performance of Nigeria Universities students in Oyo state, especially to see the influence of facebooking and social media in Lead City University, Koladaisi University, Ekiti State University in affiliation with Emmanuel Alayande College of Education & University of Ibadan in affiliation with Federal College of Education (special) Oyo.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this research is to determine whether facebook and social media network influence the academic performance of students’ inhigher institutions in Oyo state.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The following objectives will be considered in this study:

a. To discover how the students in higher institutions in Oyo state are using the social media sites;

b. To discover how the students higher institutions in Oyo state are using the social media network;

c. To determine how facebooking and social media sites can be used as a platform of educational learning for students higher institutions in Oyo state;

d. To study the uses and gratification drawn from social media and it effects of learning through facebooking and social media network sites;

e. To discover how the students higher institutions in Oyo state are using the social media network.

1.5 Scope of the Study

The scope covered types of social media devices as well as social network sites available and how it influenced the academic performance of students in some selected higher institution in Oyo state.

Students are exposed to various kinds of networking sites on the internet and this will help how the social networking sites can improved to be used as a platform for education learning for students in higher institution.

1.6 Research Questions

The following research questions were considered for the sake of this study:

1. How do students in higher institution are facebooking and uses of other social media network?

2. What are their benefits they are drawing from facebooking and use of other social media network?

3. What are the effects of facebooking and other social media network on students’ academic performance?    

4. How does facebook and social media network can be used as a platform for educational learning in higher institution?

1.7 Research Hypotheses

1. There is no significant difference on the uses of facebook and other social media networks on students’ academic performance.

2. There is no significant difference between private university and Public University in facebooking and use of other social media networks.

3. There is no significant difference between male and female students using facebook and other social media networks 

1.8 Definition of Terms

Social networking sites: this refers is a web-based service that allow individual to create a public profile, to create a list of user with whom to share connection and view and cross the connection within the system. 

Facebook: This is a social media network designed for users to communicate and send message to friends.

Twitter: This is one of the social media platform use on phone to pass and communicate with friends and love ones.

2go: Is one of the social network uses to communicate and chat with other users.

Social media: Is the collective of online communication channels dedicated to community based input, interaction, content sharing and collaboration. 

Facebooking: this is an act of exploring facebook, which is one of the social media network.


This chapter will be discussed under the following sub headings:

Empirical Studies on use of Facebooking and Social Media on Academic Performance among Nigerian College of Educations Students in Oyo.

Social Networking as a tool for Teaching and Learning in Schools

Ways of Improving the Social Media Networks for Academic Performance of the Students.

Short Coming of Social Networking on Student Academic Performance 

The Effects of Social Networks on an Individuals Performance

Factors Affecting Teaching and Learning in Nigeria Higher Institutions

2.0 Empirical Studies on Use of FaceBooking and Social Media on Academic Performance Among Nigerian University Of Educations Students n Oyo

The International phenomenon in the past several years what started out as a hobby for soma computer literate people has become a social norm and way of life for people from all over the world (Boyd, 2007). Teenagers and young adults hove especially embraced these sites as a way to connect with their peers, Shame Information, rein vent their personalities, and show case their social livers (Boyd, 2007). with their increase of technology used for communicating with others and the popularity of the internet, “social networking” an act, pity that is done primarily on the internet, with sites like my space, Face book, Bebo, Friend et al, (2008).Many people act lively paretic pate in content generation and value creation and al researchers (e.g. Young et al) (2009) have examined their profiles to determine why and to what extent they are keen on posting their entwine identity sharing pictures and vides, and indicating their relic groups affiliations, marital status, and political orientations on the internet. These users interact with others, Exchange information about their interest raise discussions about new topics. 

Follow news about specific topics on different social networking sites. Tend gears now use the internet for the mayoralty then doily activities and information gathering, as  opposed to older generations who used resources like the television or news payers (Lewis 2008). A recent survey showed that approximately ninety per cent of these teens in the united sties house in tenet access, and about seventy – five percent of these teens use the internet more than one per day (Kist, 2008). This study also showed that approximately half of all teens who halve internet access are also members of social networking sites, and friends (Kist, 2008.) In September, 2005 out of to tall audit internet users (18-29 years) 16% were using any social networking sites and this percentage increased to 86 % on may, 2010.

Tuchman (2005) defined performance as the apparent demonstration of understanding concepts, skulls, ideas and knowledge of a person and proposes that grades clearly depict the performance of a student. Hence, their academic performance must be managed efficiently keeping in view all the factors that can positively or negatively affect their educational performance. Use of technology such as internet is one of the most important factors that can influence educational performance of students positively or adversely. Shah et, el. (2001) proposed that student users. Are affected by the internet and this impact is de termini by the type of internet usage. They are positively affected by the informative use of the internet while housing drastic impact of recreational use of internet on them. Also Oskouel (2010) proposed that internet advantageous to both students’ teachers if used as a tool of knowledge creation and dissemination. Several studies have been done regarding social networking and grades white more school of business and economics recently conducted a survey of over 1,000 students. They asked questions regarding which social network sites were used, how much time they spent on a site, what their grade Pont average (GPA) was and what they were going to school for.

It was concluded that there is an correlation between how much time is spent on a social networking site and grades (martin, 2009). The University of New Hampshire agrees, and believes that current college students grew up in the technology era and social networking is now just a part of a student’s daily routine. Their research show that 63% of heavy users received high grades, comparedto65% of light’s (U of NH 2009). The University of New Hapmshire showed that majority of student’s use social networking for social connection and Entertainment, but are also using it for education and professional reasons. Kirschnera revealed that students who must task between social networking sites and home work are likely to have 20% lower grades than a student who does not have a social networking site in a visual range. Kirschnera believes that even running a social network site on the background on a student’s Pc while studying or doing homework could lower a student’s grade. He believe that “the problem is that most people have facebook or other social networking sites, their E-mails and may be instant messaging constantly running in the background while they are carrying out their task”, (Enriquez, 2010) American educational research association conducted a research and it was declared on its annual conference in San Diego, California (2009) that SNSs study less and generated lower grades eventually (21st Century Scholars. Org). Similarly, Banquilet (2009) found a continuing drop of grades among student’s users of social networking sites. However, many researcher also found a positive association between use of internet and SNS and academic performance of the student users students using internet frequency, scored higher on reading skills test and had higher grades as well (Linda et al, 2006). An ever increasing growth rate of SNS not only calls for the parental and teacher monitoring of student users but also attracting the focus of academicians on researchers towards this phenomenon.

Student’s use of social networking continues to create challenges and issues for higher education professionals and keeping abreast of these challenges has proved difficult because of the speed at which new technologies are being introduced (Bugeja, 2006; Caricaso, 2006; Finder, 2006; Quindle, 2006; Shier, 2005). There is evidence that higher education institutions have taken initiatives in disclosing information about online social networking involvement to their students (Read et al; 2006). An example is Cornell University’s “thoughts on face book”, which create students awareness about the responsible use of online social networking (Mitrano 2006). Following Cornell University, many institutions have adopted this approach to informing students by using anecdotal literature to guide their actions. (Korel, 2008). The study looks at social network in relation to its impact on academic needs. Social networks are studies with an educational context they are part of a virtual learning environment the class room is shifting in time and space with e-learning. The rampant use of social network for learning purposes by students makes this study imperative SMS are part of this virtual learning environment where the classroom is shifting in time and space.

2.1 Social Networking as a Tool for Teaching and Learning in Schools

Social networks are becoming major tools for education, and entertainment. The human nature is keen on interacting with people and finding common area and interest. In education, two streams are prevailing. The use of social network as a tool supporting activities deemed important for the purpose of education institution, instructors, and students. The second stream is the bad influence social network inflicts on students behavior and time management. The following section will review the literature related to the two streams and the performance issue related to the students.

Abu- Shanab and AL-Tarawneh (2013) researched the advantages and disadvantages of face book utilizing university students. A sample of 206 students responded to a survey conducing 10 advantages and 10 disadvantages of face book, and yielded I interesting results. The study did not focus on student’s academic performance, but took the issue as a general view of social media influence. This study will explore the relationship between performance and SN use.

2.2 Ways of Improving the Social Media Networks for Academic Performance of the Students

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are becoming important tools for education support using computer and the internet is becoming more and more important in the learning and teaching process. Also, with the advent of mobile phones especially smart phones, it is becoming easier to reach students and even utilize the capabilities of technology. As an example a study utilized three group of students, where the assignment and interaction where conducted with three level:1) Traditional Methods,2) Four Us of Phones and 3) Extensive use of Smart Phones. In working on Mathematical assignment for school students (Nasser, 2014) the sample include 58 secondary students in Qatar. Result indicated a high performance of the smart phones group compared to the other two groups.

Many studies also focused on using SN application where they categorized them as productivity tools. Alonso et al (2013) listed many in their literature where they focused on mobile application and how they can accommodate the functionalities of learning management system.

Face book resulted in a significant improvement in student’s performance in universities. A study in a Vietnamese university concluded that students using face book as a social media has improved substantially with respect to their grades (Tuan and Tu, 2013). The same study also concluded that the improvements and value of social network sites was not related to the academic performance but also to the adaptation to the social environment of school. The same argument relating to the social absorption by student is reached by Gafni and Derl (2012), where they emphasized the role of social networks in socialization students and opening channels for finding more academic recourses this improving their academic achievement. Such result was not supported for senior secondary students, where social absorption is less relevant at later years and student experience might benefit more in academic area.

Social network is a strong tool for social interaction and connection, while it can improve facilities and friends in a rich social context. A study on 161 Tunisian students concluded that performance was improved because of student’s satisfaction with their family and friends relation (Rouis, 2012) the author emphasized the role of multi-tasking as a moderator of such relationship, where multi-tasking and students interest in university will help enhance performance based on face book use.

The use of face book was associated with co-curricular activities, which might be considered a positive impact of social media on student performance.

2.3 Short Coming of Social Networking on Student Academic Performance 

This research explain the natives influence of face book on students, where a study by Haq and chand (2012) utilized a sample of 384 students and concluded that face book use has an adverse influence on students academic performance. The study noticed that males and females spent equal time on the internet where females used face book more, but male had more friends than females. The important difference was that face book user has an adverse influence on male’s performance than females. The authors accounted such adverse performance because males spend more time on sport and games activities than females, which cause a loss of time and an influence on performance.

Some university embedded that use of computers tables and other technology channels in their educational set up. A study that focused on the issue of multi-tasking in class room conclude to the fact that students who use ICT and involve in multi-tasking (example like text messaging, face book, internet searching, emailing, and instant massaging). Would have lower GPA, which means lower academic performance based on their behavior to such use of ICT, and concluded that multi-tasking would result in a high risk taking behavior.

It is imperative to realize that time spent on social activities (using face book or other social media) will be on the account of academic performance. This logic is important regardless of the positive side we see in SNs. A study that utilized students in a us university concluded to a negative relationship between time spent by students on online social networks and their academic performance (Paul et al ) the authors pointed to the importance of using face book and other social media tools wisely and towards a productive time in class rooms and back home

`The same study mentioned in the previous section, regarded the improvement of social absorption and academic achievement (Gafni&Der 2012). Concluded that using face book by students consumes time and thus negatively influencing academic performance. Using mobile phones for texting and social network access was also explored to see if it is related to the engagement level in class rooms, where research indicated that engagement is closely related to lower performance results. (Paul &Gelish, 2011): such issue emphasizes the distraction that social media cause, but not to the extent of risking academic performance.

Social network use is related to personality of students where some students are influenced more than others depending on their personality. A study of Swedish unwersity students utilized 239 undergraduate students filling a survey related to their face book use (Rouis etal.2011). Result indicated that the extraverted personalities will lead to poor academic performance. The author concluded also that self- regulation and goal orientation. (Related to performance) characterized the students who are more in control of this social activity, and this better an academic performances.

The times spent on using face book were significantly associated with negative performance of students. In a study that involved 3866 us students. The other indication that showed significant association with performance is time spent preparing material for classes, where students devoted some time for sharing resources and material using face books or other social media website (Junco, 2012b) Table 2 below summarizes the literature related to the negative influence of face book on performance.

2.4 The Effects of Social Networks on an Individuals Performance

There is a growing body of studies emphasizing that individual are embedded in their societies. Thus, the related social structure, through sometimes invisible is often associated with instrumented outcomes, including power innovation, learning outcomes, and job performance.

Haythornthwaite examined the distance learner interaction in class and profiled student’s role and information exchange among distance learners social network. In a university course, guider and stone wine stock emphatically demonstrated that appropriate arrangement of groups according to each students position in a social network might increased the students learning satisfaction and academic performance. The social network approach holds that the behavior of an individual is affected by the kinds of relations, or technical ties and networks more than by the norms and attributes that an individual passes. The social information or material resource that two individuals exchange characterize their ties. In social network analysis, these resource exchanges termed “Relations”. Some positive and negative relations are assumed to be related to an individual’s performance Researcher’s empirically demonstrated that friendship and advice relations were positively related to a student’s academic performance and an employee’s job performance. On the other hand, the effects on an adversarial network were negatively related to performance. It seems with while to investigate the effects of the three social networks on students performance online and offline.

Centrality is one of the most important concepts in social network analysis. The most common notion is that if a person is central in his or her group, he or she is the most popular individual in the group and gets the most attention. In early sociometry literature, centrality is called social status and the sociometric concept of “star” refers to the same idea. Intuitively, a point is central if it is at the center of many connection’s the simplest and the most straight forward way to measure “point centrality” is by the degree of connecting in the graph. Therefore, it is interesting to study the relationship between an individual’s centrality in campus social networks (Friendship, advising and adversarial networks) and his or her performance in the classroom and in the forum.

2.5 Factors Affecting Teaching and Learning in Nigeria Higher Institutions

It has been assumed that major problems facing teaching and learning process in colleges of education in Nigeria includes: School learning environment, teacher’s working condition and instructional materials of learning.


Many schools have argued that learning environment are variables that can affects student’s academic achievements Adeyemo, S.A (2012). The importance of learning environment to educational development was so uphold by the authorities and regulatory institutions that schools inspectors were parts and parcel of the school system before the advent of military regime in the country. They neglect this aspect has rescued due to poor funding by the successive regimes of government in the country also reflected in paucity of studies that focuses on this issue. As such learning environment remains an important area that should be studies and well managed to enhance student’s academic performance.

The poor academic performance of students in Nigeria College of education has been of much concern to the government, parents, and teachers and even to students themselves. Out the quality of education not only depends on the teachers performing their duties, but also in the effective co-ordination of the school’s learning environment (Ajao, 2001).

Learning environment which included lecture hail, offices, space planning, administrative place planning circulation spaces planning, spaces for conveniences planning, general infrastructure planning, the teacher as well as the students themselves are essential In teaching and learning process. The extent to which students learning could be enhanced depends on their location within the school compound, the structure of their class room, availability of instructional facilities and accessories. It is believed that a school with adequate learning environment that will facilitate good academic performance, by encouraging effective teaching and learning.

Student’s academic performance refers to the degree of a student’s accomplishment his or her tasks and studies. The most well-known indicator of measuring academic performance is grades with reflect the students “score” for their subject and overall tenure. Success is measured by academic performance in most educational institution.


Research has consistently demonstrated that teacher make a greater difference in student’s achievement than any other single school factor. However, across the state and throughout the nation at large for virtually any business or organization, the conditions I which employee work deuce their satisfaction and productivity. Schools are no different previous research data indicate that professional development, Leadership, empowerment, and facilities and resource will improve students’ learning conditions and help return teacher.

National research demonstrates the importance of addressing school conditions to improve teacher retention. Teacher who leave schools cite an opportunity for a better teaching assignment, dissatisfaction with workplace condition as the main reason why they seek other opportunities. Teachers and administrators are the most important factors influencing whether they stay in a school. In national surveys, teachers identified excessive workload, lack of time and frustration with reform efforts as areas in need of focus and improvement. Additionally, a recent survey of 2,000 educators from California found that 28 percent of teachers who left before retirement indicated that they could come back if improvements were made to teaching and learning conditions. Monetary incentives ‘were found to be less effective in luring them back. Finding from the center for teaching quality’s analysis of the 2004 north Carolina teacher working condition survey demonstrated that the supportive school environment where teachers are partners in decision making with school leaders who have a strong instructional emphasis are not just critical to keeping teachers but improving students learning. The 2004 data showed that schools were teachers agreed that these critical working conditions were in place were more likely to receive a top designation on the state’s ABC student performance measure and make adequate yearly progress <AYP> when controlling for students poverty, school size and other factors.

Addressing these working conditions and building a sense of trust in schools are critical factors in reforming schools, as both have been linked to greater teacher effectiveness. One of the most existence examinations of working conditions data revealed “a clear but difficult lesson; if we want to improve the quality of our teachers and schools, we need to improve the quality of the teaching job”. Teacher working conditions matters, the schools authority need to consider and responds to data from those whose perception matter most; their own classroom teachers who are intimately aware of the successes and areas of concerns in their own schools and communities. The teacher working stake surely conditions survey continues to provide educators, stake holders, policy maker and the community with this critical understanding of the status of working conditions in schools across the country.


Instructional materials is a generic terms used to described the resource lecturers/teachers use to deliver instruction. Teaching materials can support students learning and increase student’s success. Ideally, the teaching materials will be tailored to the content in which they are being used to the students in whose class they are been used and the teacher. Teaching materials come I many shapes and sizes, but they all have in common the ability to support students learning.

Teaching materials can refer to a number of teacher resources, however, the term usually refers to concrete examples, such as worksheets or manipulative (learning tools or games that students can handle them gain and practice facility with new knowledge).Teaching materials are different from teaching “resource”, the latter including more theoretical and intancjible elements, such as essays or supports from other educators, or place or find teaching materials.

Learning materials are important because they can significantly increase student’s achievements by supporting students learning. For example, a worksheet may provide students with important opportunities to practice a new skill gained in class. This process aids in the learning process by allowing the students to explore the knowledge independently as well as providing repetition. Learning materials, regards less of what kind, all have some function in students learning.


3.0 Introduction

This chapter presents the methodology used carrying out this project, the following heading explained to give insight in to the method used /adopted by the researcher. Research Design, Population of the study, Research instrument, Sample and Sampling technique, Reliability of the instrument procedure for data collection and procedure for data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

The study was a descriptive design of survey type; it sampled a number of respondents in higher institutions in Oyo state in order to investigate the influence of facebooking and social media use on academic performance among higher institution of learning.

3.2 Population of the Study

The population of the study comprises of all students in higher institutions, in Oyo state. Hence, 100 students were randomly selected from three considered universities.

3.3 Sample and Sampling Technique 

For the purpose of this study, students from higher institutions in Oyo state which comprises: Lead City University Ibadan, University of Ibadan in affiliation with Federal College of Education, (Special), Oyo and Ekiti State university of Education in affiliation with Emmanuel Alayande College of Education were selected through purpose and systematic random sampling techniques. A total of 100 students were used for the study the self-structured questionnaireswere distributed to the respondents.         

3.4 Research Instrument

After an intensive literature review, the instrument used for collection of relevant information for this study was a self – made questionnaire. Influence of Facebooking and Social Media use on Academic Performance among University students in Oyo, Oyo state. 

The questionnaire consist of an introductory part which explain the topic of the study, and two sec two A and B. section A deals with the personal fifteen (15) structural statement and two point privately. The questionnaire forms were distributed to students in University of Ibadan in affiliation with Federal College of Education, Special Education, Oyo and Ekiti State university of Education in affiliation with Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo state. 

The questionnaire consist of an introductory years which explain the topic of the study, and two section A and B. Section A deals with the personal data of the respondent’s while section B contains fifteen (15) structural statements and two points like rating scale of Yes or No to be ticked appropriately. The questionnaire forms were distributed to students in University of Ibadan in affiliation with Federal College of Education, Special Education, Oyo and Ekiti State university of Education in affiliation with Emmanuel Alayande College of Education Oyo State.

3.5 Validity of the Instrument

To ensure face and content validity, the instrument used was subjected to test retest and the errors made were corrected by the supervisor.

3.6 Reliability of the Study

After the instrument had been validated by the supervisor, the researcher was advised to carry out a pilot test on the instruments. This enabled the researcher ascertain its reliability. The questionnaire was distributed to the respondents majorly in Atiba University, University of Ibadan in affiliation with Federal College of Education, Special Education, Oyo and Ekiti State university of Education in affiliation with Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, after the questionnaire had been collected.

3.7 Procedure for data Collection.

The researcher design and print the questionnaire which was personally taken and administered to the selected respondents. The respondents were persuades to fill and return the questionnaire immediately where immediate collection was not possible, the researcher will collect it the following day to ensure that a very high percentage of the questionnaire from administered was collected.

3.8 Method of Data Analysis

The data analysis was done using chi-square structure tools.


4.0 Introduction

This chapter presents the results and discussion of findings on the data collected from field. The analyzing involves the use of percentages tabulation, chi-square data 

4.1 Analysis of Respondents Bio-data

Table 4.1: Sex Distribution of the Respondents

Sex Frequency Percentage 

Male 36 36%

Female 64 64%

Total 100 100%

Table 4.1shows the frequency and percentage of respondents according to their sex. It shows the gender distribution of the respondent used in the study. The result shows that the male were 36% and female were 64%. The result indicated that number of female used for the study were more than male.

Table 4.2 Marital status Distributionof the Respondents

Distribution by School Frequency Percentage 

Private universities used 50 50%

Public Universities used 50 50%

Total 100 100%

Table 4.2 shows the frequency and percentage of respondents according to type of school. The result shows that 50% of respondents were sampled from the Private Universities while other 50% of respondents were sampled from Public Universities.

4.2 Analysis of Research Questions 

Table 4.3 Research Question 1: How do students in higher institution are facebooking and uses of other social media network?

Statement Yes No Total

Do you make use of social media 74 26 100

Do you make use of more than one social media daily 80 20 100

Do you spend more time on social media than reading your book 12 88 100

Do you use your social media network to do your school assignment 92 8 100

Do your friend on social media allowed you to do your academic 98 2 100

Total 356 144 500

Group Size Degree of freedom 2

cal 2


Yes 356 4 231.2    9.49

No 114

Significant at alpha value 0.05

The table above indicates that calculated value is 231.2, while the critical value on the chi-square table value at 4 degree of freedom at 0.05 level of significance is 9.49. It is obviously seen, that the calculated value is greater than the critical value, hence there is significant relationshipbetween students in higher institution and facebooking  and other social media. This finding implies that students are using facebook and other social media for both academic and general purpose.

Table 4.4  Research Question 2 (How does facebooking and social media network can be used as a platform for educational learning in higher institution?)

Statement Yes No Total

Do you think that facebooking am other social media affect your learning 32 67 100

Do you think facebookingan social media site can be effective tool for e-learning 40 60 100

Do you think that social media network can be used to gathered information on students curse of study 82 12 100

Do you think that facebooking has greatly affect students 73 27 100

Do you think many now concentrate of social media than their studies 65 35 100

Total 292 208 500

Group Size Degree of freedom     2

Cal     2



No 292

208 4 87.76 9.49

Significant at alpha value 0.05

The table above indicates that calculated value is 87.76 while the critical value on the chi-square table value at 4 degree of freedom at 0.05 level of significance is 9.49. It is obviously seen, that the calculated value is greater than the critical value, hence there is significant relationship between students’ facebooking in higher institution and usage of face book and other social media as platform for educational learning. This indicates that some students are using face book and other social media as a platform for education learning.

Table 4.5Research Question 3: (what are the effects of facebooking and other social media network on students’ academic performance?)     

Statement Yes No Total

Use of social media language in academic writing affect academic performance 81 19 100

Speeding much time on social medial affect students, academic performance  33 67 100

Students do prefer facebooking or being on other social media to paying attention to lecturer in class 61 39 100

Students prefar charting to reading academic materials online 87 13 100

Students mislead each other on social media about their school activates 54 46 100

Total 316 184 500

Group Size Degree of freedom     2

cal     2



No 316

184 4 81.0 9.49

Significant at alpha 0.05

The table above indicates that calculated value is 81.0, while the critical value on the chi-square table value at 4 degree of freedom at 0.05 level of significance is 9.49. It is obviously seen, that the calculated value is greater than the critical value. There is significant relationship between face booking and other social media and students’ academic performance. This indicates that facebooking and other social media affect students’ academic performance.

Table 4.6: Research Question 4 (What are their benefit they are drawing from facebooking and use of other social media network)

Statement Yes No Total

Do you think use of facebook and other network can boost students intelligent 99 1 100

Can use of facebooking and other social media rob off the student’s performance 31 69 100

Should the use of facebook and social media be discourage among the students 11 89 100

Facebooking is meant for the unserious. Do you agree? 38 72 100

Facebooking and the use of social media should be encourage 80 20 100

Total 259 241 500

Group Size Degree of freedom     2

cal     2



No 259

241 4 217.76 9.49

Significant at alpha value 0.05

The calculated value is 217.76 while the critical value on the chi-square table value at 4 {four} degree of freedom at 0.05 level of significance is 9.49. It is clearly seen, that the calculated value is greater than the critical value, hence there is significant relationship between student in higher institution and benefit draw from using facebook and other social media. This indicates that students derive some benefits from using facebook and other social media. 

4.3 Analysis of Research Hypothesis 

Table 4.7: Research Hypothesis1 (There is no significant difference on the uses of facebook and other social media networks on students’ academic performance)  

Group Size Degree of freedom     2

Cal     2

    table Remark 


No 452

248 6 45.5 12.59 Reject null hypothesis

Significant at alpha value 0.05

The calculated value is 45.5 while the critical value on the chi-square table value at 6 degree of freedom at 0.05 level of significance is 9.49. It is clearly seen, that the calculated value is greater than the critical value, hence the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected while we accept the alternative hypothesis (Hi)that is there is significant difference on the uses of facebook and other social media networks on students’ academic performance. This imply that uses of facebook and other social media determine students’ academic performance.

Table 4.9: Research Hypothesis2 (There is no significant difference between private universities studentsand public universities students in facebooking and use of other social media networks)

Options Private University Public University Degree of freedom X2cal X2 tab Remark

Yes 42 39 1 0.45 3.84 Accepted 

No 16 11

Significant at alpha value 0.05

The calculated value is 0.45 while the critical value on the chi-square table value at one degree of freedom at 0.05 level of significance is 3.84. It is clearly seen, that the calculated value is less than the critical value, hence the null hypothesis (H0) is accepted while we reject the alternative hypothesis (Hi). That is, there is real evidence that there is no significant difference between private university and public university in facebooking and use of other social media networks. This result indicated that both private and public university students are using facebook and other social media. 

Table 4.9: Research Hypothesis3 (There is no significant difference between male and female students using facebook and other social network)

Options Male Female Degree of freedom X2cal X2 tab Remark

Yes 25 38 1 1.002 3.84 Accepted 

No 11 26

Significant at alpha value 0.05

The calculated value is 1.002 while the critical value on the chi-square table value at one degree of freedom at 0.05 level of significance is 3.84. It is clearly seen, that the calculated value is less than the critical value, hence the null hypothesis (H0) is accepted while we reject the alternative hypothesis (Hi). That is, there is real evidence that is no significant difference between male and female students using facebook and other social network. This result indicated that uses of face book and other social medial among the student has nothing to with sex. Hence both male and female are engage in usage of facebook and other social media.  


 The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of Facebooking and social media use on student academic performance among universities students. The study found that Facebook has positive impacts on the academic performance of the undergraduate students. This finding correlated with Oskoul (2010) proposed that internet advantageous to both students and teachers if used as a tool of knowledge creation and dissemination. Also, some students spend much of their time using Facebook and other social media for enjoyment which affects their academic performance. It confirms that Facebook addiction negatively affect the academic performance of students. This finding is online with the study carried out by Bedassa, (2014). He stated that these days social media is playing a very significant role in student’s daily life and negatively affect their academic performance if they become addicted to it.

 The result of this study further confirm that majority of the students are not engage on facebooking and other social media for academic but for general purpose such as charting with their friend, watching film e.t.c. This finding is similar with finding by Ajao (2001) stated that  some students use Facebook only for enjoyment and non-academic purposes which play a negative role on the academic performance of those students . Students use Facebook to faceplate their study career believing it is very helpful for their study.

The study also confirmed that there is no significance difference found between those students in private universities and public universities who use Facebook for academic performance. Similarly, study also confirm that there significant different between male and female students in the Use of Facebooking  and other social media.



The study was on the influence of facebooking and social media usage, the study was carried out using higher institutions in Oyo town, namely; Atiba University, University of Ibadan in affiliation with Federal College of Education, Special Education, Oyo and Ekiti State university of Education in affiliation with Emmanuel Alayande College of Education. Four research questions were raised to guide and stimulate the study in an understanding position. However, the researcher administered questionnaire which was use as the instrument for gathering relevant data from the respondents, the data were analyzed using chi-square method in chapter four of the study.

The study however, comprise of five chapters in chapter, one of the study covered: introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, objective of the study, scope of the study, research questions and hypothesis, and definition of terms were discussed under the aforementioned sub-headings above.

In chapter two of the study, the researcher review some work done by other researcher on the influence of facebooking and social media usage and how it affects students’ performance, especially, in most of private universities and public universities used. In chapter three of the study, the researcher explained the methodology used in carrying out the study. Likewise in chapter four of the study, the data gathered from the respondents was analyzed in the chapter with the use of chi-square as the method of analysis.

In chapter five of the study, the researcher summarized, concluded and makesnecessary recommendations on the study.


The primary objective of the research undertaken was to throw light on how effectively the usage of facbooking and social media sites has affected the students by evaluating both the positive and negative aspects. Social media serve to students’ purpose of connecting them with people all across the globe by not hampering their working hours and schedules. Despite the several benefits that come with the participation ofthe students on social media networks, its misuse could badly affect the academic performance. 

The findings of this study showed that, there is positive consequence of average study time and negative impact of time spending on various social networking websites on students’ academic performance. It indicates that, the educational performance increases by giving more time on study and decreases for spending more time on social networking websites. Above all, in the era of globalization and technology, a single day can’t be thought without using facebook and social media sites, but should be used in a limited and positive way without getting addicted. 


Based on the findings and conclusions of this study, the following recommendations are made:

The teachers may encourage the students to minimize time wastage on chatting and other irrelevant engagements which are not of major importance by counselling about the negative influence of social media. 

Nigeria Telecommunication Regulatory Commission and  parents  should  monitor  activities  of  the students  on  social  media  in  order  to  protect  them from pornographic pictures and videos and other unwarranted materials. 

The use of LinkedIn should be increased because the site gives the facilities  of linking  employers  with potential employees,  provides  a  place  for  individuals  to  post resumes  and offers  referrals and  for employers  to  post current job openings. 

Students should be encouraged to utilize social media applications in the way that will positively influence their academic performance. 

Students should be given assignments and research work to keep them busy out of social media negative apps 

Students should not be allowed to use or operate handset in lecture rooms. 

Students should communicate properly to avoid developing bad habits of writing in social media communication.


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Sunday, November 13, 2022




The play is set in Nigeria before the actions moved to America. It is characterized with cultism, hooliganism, decision making and their consequences. The play ridicules the act of disobedience and asserts how destructive affection can be. Louis endangers his life because of the love he has for Rose. He hopes to have a better life in America having applied for a scholarship. He disobeys his parent’s instruction not to take a wrong decision in marriage and this leads to his destruction.


The action of the play begins in Alex’s room. Jack his son comes in to report that his father’s servants have been arrested by the police for reckless driving. Rose is seen inside her room, she is in deep thought and unaware when her friend, Julienne enters.  Julienne is surprised about the condition she met her friend Rose and demanded to know what had happened. Rose told her she fell in love with a guy she met at a friend’s party. Julienne admonishes her to face her studies. Tina enters the room as Julienne takes her leave and encourages her to go for who her heart chooses to love.

In Louis’s room on campus, Chad enters to tell him that his girlfriend has been snatched by someone and he promises to deal with such person.

 During a cult meeting, Chad reported the same issue that someone snatched his girlfriend to his members and it was revealed that Louis is the culprit. In anger, he storms into Louis room, accuses him of snatching his girlfriend and promises to deal with him. Louis is so confused about what he was taking about but soon realised and becomes fearful. Tony assures him of calmness and that he shouldn’t be afraid of Chad.

In Rose’s room, Julienne comes in to tell her she has informed Chad about her love for Louis and Rose felt disappointed in her friend.  But Julienne claims she is unaware that both Louis and Chad are friends. Tony also mocks Julienne for her actions. Rose then begins to think of what would happen to Louis and then gets confronted by Chad for setting him up and would have beaten her up if not for Tony and Louis who entered that that point. Louis calls Rose heartless and leaves her. Tony tries to console Rose and promises to talk to Louis but as he leaves, he got attacked by Chad’s gang and was beaten to the point of death.

Tony is seen in the hospital writhing in pain. Chad visits him to warn him never to intervene in the affairs concerning Louis again or he will be dead. Tony accepts not to do so and Chad leaves. Tony explains to Louis the conversation he had with Chad and warned his friend to leave Rose alone. 

Louis is in preparation for his travel abroad. Tony asks why his he wants to further his education abroad and he gives him certain reasons. Mrs Okorie warns Louis not to take any wrong decision and tells him a story about choosing a wrong partner. Louis says he is no longer in love with Rose and leaves for studies in America. 

Rose, now an account is seen in her office and Hidda her former school mate came to visit. They are happy to see each other after a long time. Hidda asks about her relationship with Louis and she explains how Chad objected to her having anything to do with Louis. She says its either she marries Louis or becomes a Nun. She would never give herself to Chad for marriage. She told Hidda she would wait for Louis’s arrival from America. But Hidda warns her that men are not predictable.

At Rose’s house, Mrs. Johnson advises her not to depend on Louis and she should find herself another man to marry but Rose refuses. She plans to wait for Louis. On a Sunday, when Rose’s family is getting ready for church, some men who are familiar with Rose and her family came to seek her hand in marriage for their son, Ikechukwu who also comes with them. Rose rejects their marriage proposal and angrily send them out. 

Rose visits Tony for information about Loius but Tony ignore her. Same night at a birthday party, Tony sees Hidda his former schoolmate and both rejoiced at their meeting. Also at the party is Chad. Chad and his gang attaks Tony and ask him to vacate his seat and leave the party for them. Later,  Chad discussed with his gang on how to execute their plans on Louis and unknown to them that Hidda was recoding their discussion. She plays the voice record for Tony and Rose.

Its been three years since Louis has been in American and he is to arrive home through the Nigerian Airways. Mr. Alex, Chad and his gang are in the airport waiting for Louis arrival so they could carry out their plans. 

Similarly, Tony, Rose, Mrs Okorie and some detectives police are at the airport to protect Louis' life. Eventauly, Mr. Alex and his cohorts are apprehended.

Louis arrive with a white woman he intends to marry. Mrs Okorie rejects the woman, Jessica and claims Louis cant marry her. Louis protests that he has no love for Rose again. Mrs Okorie then narrates the dream she had and how his decision will lead to his destruction. Tony also advises his friend not to marry Jessica but he refuses.

Louis tells Jessica his mother doesn’t want them to get married and she suggests they elope to America in which Louis accepts though reluctant at first. Louis drops a note for his mother in the sitting room but the note was seen two weeks after their deapture to America.

Mrs. Okorie visits a native doctor to use spiritual power to bring back home her child, Louis. She is given two eggs, one is for destruction and the other is for solution. The native man says the latter should be given to Louis' lover while the former be destroyed  and it will affect better living condition of Louis in America. Mrs. Okorie on getting home decides to give Rose the solution egg. Rose tells her  if Loius doesn’t come back home before six months she wouldn’t be able to marry him again because her parents her giving her away in marriage. Mrs Okorie agrees and smashes the first egg to destroy Louis better living condition in America. 

In America, everything has gone bad for Louis. And he has fallen out of love with Jessica. She decides to set him up. On a particular morning as Louis is ready to go to work, Jessica won’t allow him leave. The police arrests Louis, charged and imprisoned for sixteen months after which he is deported back to Nigeria. Jessica possesses his properties. On getting home,  he found Rose married and pregnant for another man. 


Act One

The action of the play begins with Mr. Alex room, Jack his son comes in to report that his father’s servants have been apprehended for reckless driving. Rose in deep though did not know when her friend Julienne comes in. Rose is elated on seeing her friend and her mood Changes. Julienne is interest in what bothers her and Rose tells her about a guy she met at a party and confesses she is in love with him. Julienne admonishes her friend not to focus on any man but on her studies. Tina enters the room and is told about the discourse at hand. She motives and supports Rose's affection.


In Louis' room on campus, Chad comes in and tells him his girlfriend has been snatched by some guy. He promises to deal with the person but is urged by Louis to be patient and remain calm.


The events in this act takes place in a cult meeting.  Chad, a member of the cult reports to the members that his girlfriend has been snatched. It is revealed to in the meeting that Louis is the one who snatched Chad's girlfriend and they pledged to punish him.

In Louis room, Louis and  his room mate, Tony are seen sitting at the edge of a bed while taking their lunch when Chad storms in. Furiously, Chad promises to punish Louis for going behind his back to date his own girlfriend. He leaves angrily leaving Louis confused. On realising the problem, Louis becomes afraid knowing fully well that Chad is a member of a cult group. But Tony encourages him to be calm. And not be scared of what Chad would do.


In Rose room, Julienne comes in to tell her about what is at stake. She says she reported Rose recent  affection with  Louis to Chad. Rose feels betrayed and disappointed in her friend. Julienne claims she does not know both Louis and Chad are friends.


Rose at a relaxation centre ponders on what is likely to happen to Louis. As she still thinks about this, Chad enters. Chad accuses her of setting him up with his friend. He tries to fight her but he stops at the arrival of Louis and Tony to the scene. Chad leaves angrily. Louis calls Rose heartless and leaves. Tony tries to console Rose to stop shedding tears and leaves while promising Rose he would talk to his friend. On his way, Tony is attacked by a group of boys who happen to be Chad's gang. He is beaten to stupor and taken to hospital. At the hospital, Tony blames himself for being Jealous of Rose and Louis. He receives unexpected invitation from Chad who warns him to stay clear of the matter. Tony therefore advises Louis to stay away from Rose.


Louis is preparing to leave Nigeria for America to further his studies. He is given a farewell speech by his mother who advises him not to take a wrong decision having heard that Louis affection for Rose has melted away. She tells him a story from her past to buttress this point. 

Rose now an account is visited in her office by her former school mate. They rejoice at their reunion. Hidda asks about Louis and if she hears anything about him. Rose vows not to marry any other man except Louis. She says she will wait for his arrival back into the country. 

Some men came to ask Rose hand in marriage as the family prepares for church. The men ask that Rose marry their son, Ikechukwu. Rose rejects their marriage proposal.

Rose unrelenting visits Tony's house to hear about Louis. Tony refuses to give her any useful information. Tony attends the birthday party of Edward, an old friend. He sees Hidda too. Chad and his gang are seen at the party too. Chad on sighting Tony at the party asks him to leave and go home. 

Chad discusses the plans they will execute on Louis' arrival day. He says his father, Mr. Alex is the chairman of the scholarship board that Louis applied for that takes him to America. He says his father awards Louis the scholarship for a purpose. Meanwhile, Hidda who is close to them overheard their conversation and records it. She plays the recorded conversation to Rose and Tony when she gets home. 


Louis arrives to Nigeria after three years. Mr. Alex,  Chad and his gang are at the airport waiting for Louis to be killed. 

On the other hand, Tony, Rose, Mrs Okorie and some detective police officers are at the airport to protect Louis' life. Eventually, Mr. Alex and his cohorts are apprehended. Louis arrives with a White woman he intends to marry. Mrs Okorie rejects Louis getting married to this White Lady, Jessica but wants him to marry Rose. Louis states he no longer have any iota of love for Rose and he should be allowed to choose whom to marry. In other to drive home her point, Mrs. Okorie narrates the dream she had to him and tells him if he marries a White woman, he will end his life in penury. 

Tony pays a visit to Louis house advising him to listen to his mother's advice and not marry a White woman. All efforts from both sides, that is, from Mrs Okorie and Tony for Louis not to marry Jessica proved abortive. Louis tells Jessica about the conflict between him and his mother after the asked what the issue was about. She suggests they elope to America and he accepts her suggestion. 


Louis drops left a note for his mother in the sitting room before he eloped with Jessica back to America, Mrs. Okorie boils with anger seeing the note Louis left for her. She immediately goes to a native doctor in other to use spiritual power to bring back home her son. The native doctor gives to her two eggs, one symbolizes destruction and the other symbolizes solution. Baba tells her that the first will be broken by Mrs. Okorie and it will affect the good life of Louis in America as things will go from good to bad for him and he will find his way back to Nigeria. The other egg is for solution and should be given to a person that loves Louis and be broken when Louis comes back home and things will come back to normal for him.  Mrs. Okorie explains this to Rose and she agrees to take the second egg which will be the solution to Louis problems when he comes back to Nigeria. But she told Mrs. Okorie that if Louis did not come back before six months, she will get married as her parents are preparing to give her hand in marriage to a man that will soon arrive from travel. Mrs. Okorie assures her that it won’t take more than six months. She smashes the egg for destruction on the ground and begins to cry. 


In America, everything about Louis now irritates Jessica. She decides to set him up. Jessica sends police to apprehend Louis. He is arrested and imprisoned for sixteen months after which he was deported to Nigeria. On getting home, he realizes that his mother’s house has been sold to a man who came from America. The man happened to be Rose’s husband. Rose explained to him all the diabolic steps his mother took on him. Rose wont marry him again since she is already married to another man. Louis regrets his wrong decision. 



1. Rose: Rose is Louis beloved. She is friend to Julienne. She fell in love with Louis when they met at a friend’s arty. She brings problem in by causing quarrel between Louis and Chad. She is Chad girlfriend but never accepted to marry him. Her affection for Louis is the development of the conflict in the play. The love she has for Louis is unpredictable but Chad poses as an obstruction between the two. Rose claims she would rather be a nun than marry Chad. Eventually, Rose didn’t marry Louis. 

2. Louis: He is Rose beloved. His is friend to Chad. He is son to Mrs. Okorie and bosom friend of Tony. Louis endangers his life when he falls in love with Rose who is already Chad’s girlfriend. Louis’ love for Rose melt away when he realises she is his friend’s girlfriend. Louis furthers in his education as he applies for scholarship to America. He gets back home with a white woman whom he intends to marry but his mother frowns upon his decision. He elopes to America with the white woman only to have his life destroyed. 

3. Tony: He is friend to Louis; his father is a lawyer who prosecuted Mr Alex’s case. He presents himself as an agent of assertiveness and courage to Louis and Rose. He is attacked by Chad gangs and warned him not to interfere in the love triangle with Chad, Louis and Rose. He is the only source of information for Rose about Louis’s arrival to Nigeria. He won’t yield to her requests but later supports her in getting married to Louis.  He is one of those who protect Louis live from dangers that have been planned and executed by Chad and his cohorts. 

4. Chad: Chad is a cultist. He is friend to Louis and Tony. He is boyfriend to Rose. He is Mr. Alex biological son. He intends to revenge for Louis fallen in love with his girlfriend. He sees Louis as being heartless for fallen in love with his girlfriend. He punishes tony for intervening in the conflict among the trio of Chad, Rose and Louis. He plans to kill Louis and have Rose to himself. He is apprehended by the police at the airport and taken to prison to spend six years of his life for attempting to murder Louis. 

5. Julienne: julienne is a friend to Rose. She is the darkness in the light. She reports Rose’s love affair with Louis to Chad.  She is the cause of the conflict that later ensued in the play. Rose calls her heartless and destructive. Her action leads to her separation from Rose. 

6. Jessica: she is a white American woman brought to Nigeria by Louis for marriage. Everything about her disgust Mrs. Okorie and she won’t allow Louis to marry her. Jessica tells Louis that they elope to America and he agrees. Jessica later set Louis up in America; he got arrested, spent six months in prison and got deported. She possesses all of his properties. 

7. Mrs Okorie: she is Louis’ mother. She warns her son not to take wrong decision. She supports Rose to marry her son. Mrs. Okorie discovers with horror Louis’ elopement with Jessica to America through a note dropped in the living room. She visits a native doctor in other to charm his son back to home and get marry to Rose. She is instrumental to Louis destruction.  


8. Mr Alex: he is Chad’s father. He is a notorious criminal. He is a cultist in his undergraduate days and he objects to Mrs. Okorie getting married to Louis’ father. But did not succeed in his plan. Much of his youthful days are exposed in a flashback by Mrs. Okorie. He is a notorious armed robber and always being charged to court for his evil deeds but always wins the case. He awards Louis scholarship for a purpose which to let Louis falls in his net. He plans to kill Louis on his arrival but fails to succeed in his operation. He is taken o court where he is imprisoned for six months.

9. Jack: He is one of Mr. Alex’s sons. He reports to Mr Alex about the arrest of his servants by the police for their reckless driving. 

10. Tina: she is friend to Rose who supports her to marry Louis.

11. Hidda: she is friend to Rose. She visits her after graduation. She is the one who reported Chad and his gang plan to the police.  

12. Baba: Baba is a native doctor who Mrs. Okorie visited for spiritual power to bring back Louis. 

13. Jimmy: He is husband to Rose. He purchased Mrs. Okorie’s house on his arrival to Nigeria. 


1. Love: The play portrays love as blind, irrational, often a beautiful force that can be both cruel and forgiving. It portrays love to be destructive. Ultimately, love drives the entire play’s plot. Rose’s affection for Louis is the cause of the conflict in the play. Louis and Rose exhibit undying love for each other but the love soon fade away. Chad, a known boyfriend of Rose gets jealous and won’t allow anyone take away Rose from him not even his friend Louis.   Louis affection for Rose melts away in an attempt to protect his life. Rose’s love for him increases and she waits for Louis’s arrival. 

Similarly, love makes Louis disobeys his mother and brings destruction upon himself. Louis elopes with Jessica to America after rejection his mother’s proposal to marry Rose. This makes Louis’s mother to act evil and ends Louis’ life in penury.

2. Betrayal: This is a cardinal theme in the play. Rose feels betrayed by julienne that she sees as a good friend. Her betrayal forms the plot of the play. Chad feels he is set up by his Rose and Louis. He plans to revenge for this action of Louis. Rose doesn’t care about Chad’s threats and her love for Louis continues to grow. She waits for Louis’ arrival to seek her hand in marriage. 

3. Decision and Choice:  In the play, the theme of decision and choice is wholly. It is true that one's future is not a gift but a choice. Decision and choicd spells calamity and joy at the same time. Rose’s decision and choice to choose Louis over Chad is the cause of the conflict in the play. It is obvious that choice has power to save and kill. Similarly Louis' decision to choose Jessica over Rose truncate his future. Even though he has been warned not to take wrong decision. Mrs. Okorie's decision to bring Louis back him using diabolical means spells bad for him and ends his life in penury

*special appreciation to Stephen Olatunji for his contributions on the summary on this text.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Implication of social media on learning outcome of students of higher institution



1.1 Background to the Study

In recent years technology has tried to fulfill its role in helping humanity leading to the substantial medium of interaction in the social world as well as in teaching and learning. Over the years those in higher education has explore the exciting opportunities new technology bring to institutions, educators and students. Raymond and Afua, (2016) noted that “Technology has changed the way people interact and has brought about the emergence of an open social platform such as social media that allows the inhabitants of this planet earth to connect with each other making the world a global village. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Flickr, are being used in learning for the purpose of convenient communication with other students and potentially with others outside the class such as students of the same topic and subject experts.” 

The advent of social media has impacted significantly on how students learn and the mode instructors teach. In today higher education settings; social media has influence instructors, students and others to cooperate with each other on the tasks of knowledge construction in learning and teaching environments. Social media applications can strengthen class material and positively influence discussions collaborative work, and authoring.

Educators and researchers are constantly experimenting with social media technologies hoping to stimulate critical thinking skills, collaboration, and knowledge construction (Chatti, 2010). 

However, the fact that these media are generally open to the world implies a need to carefully consider its’ benefits, impacts and risks of openness as well as need for ongoing communication with students in order to address their concerns and deal with issues in the use of social media as they arise. Asemah and Edegoh, (2012), observed that “the expansion in technology has also affected internet software, thus leading to chatting sites known by the name “social media”. With social networking sites, one can send and receive messages almost immediately. However, lack of regulation of the internet has led to its excessive use. Correlating this, McQuail (2008) avers that the internet penetrates more homes. It is a common sight to see a youth chatting in sensitive and highly organized places like church, mosque and lecture venues. Some are so carried away that even as they are walking along the high way, they keep chatting. The manufacturing and distribution of equally sophisticated cellular phones has complicated the situation, as youths no longer need to visit a cybercafé before they send and receive messages. Attention has been shifted from visible to invisible friends, while important ventures like study and writing are affected in the process. This phenomenon has become a source of worry to many who believe in knowledge and skill acquisition. Thus, it is against the background of this study to examine the implication of social media on learning outcome of students of higher institution, a study of Ekiti state university in affiliation with Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo. 

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Series of studies have targeted on causes of poor performance of students in school, and appropriate measures have been postulated by researchers in order to cub these phenomena. Among the measures are provisions of appropriate technologies for learning. Frankly, almost every student has got the power of this technology, be it android phone or laptop. But reverse the case, with the usages. It is evident that with the advent of social media has led to its hijack to other usefulness of the available technologies. The implications of social media on the learning outcomes of students in higher institution of learning in Nigeria have led to the poor performance in examinations. These poor performances in both internal and external examinations have significantly affected the education sector negatively.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

This study was purported to assess the implication of social media on student academic life. life To be specific, this study aims at exploring the kind of social media students are familiar with, how such social media is used by students of higher institution and the impact it making on their academic life.

1.4 Research Questions

The main research question of the study was” has social media has distinctive impact on students’ academic life?” To answer these questions and analyze how this impact has taken place, the following question were considered:

(a) What are the most common social media platform students used and the degree of their usage in Ekiti State University, Oyo? 

(b) What are the relationship between social media usage and learning outcome of the students in Ekiti State University, Oyo?

(c) What are the ways of improving the learning outcomes in the students through the use of Social Media in Ekiti State University, Oyo? 

1.5    The Significance of Study

It is anticipated that the finding of this research work would have impact on the following groups: government, school administrators; lecturers in higher institutions, students and community members at large. It is hoped that the finding of the study would revealed to the world the implication of social media on learning outcome of students of higher institution perhaps it is utilized rightly or wrongly.

The research findings will acquaints the government the importance of providing all necessary technologies that can aid social media in higher institutions as well provide all necessary measure to curb its misuses. 

It is hope that the outcomes of this study will also suggest the need for the government and school administrators to provide necessary machineries both human and non human materials for the enlightenment of the students on proper usage of social media power they possesses.

It is expected that findings from this study would acquaint the prospective and the existing lecturers and teachers in the field with the importance of converting social media to lecture or academic media as well, make the real sources of procuring communicative materials by the students. 

It is expected that the findings of this study would acquaint the students and the community members the need to acquire the right knowledge on how to convert social media to education media for their own personal development. Also, it is hoped that when people are aware and have knowledge on how to use things judiciously it will be very exciting. 

1.6 Scope of the Study

The study is strictly focused on the implication of social media on learning outcome of students of higher institution: A study of Ekiti state University, Oyo. Thus, the study will be restricted solely on Ekiti state University in affiliation with EMMANUEL ALAYANDE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION OYO in Oyo state. 

1.7 Definitions of Terms 

Implication: The conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated. 

Social Media: Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks. 

Learning Outcome: A Student Learning Objectives is an assessment tool that allows a teacher to quantify his/her impact on student achievement as measured within the parameters of a particular academic or elective standard.  

2.0 Introduction 

This chapter presents the review of theoretical and existing conceptual basis in order to set current study into a new perspective and join ongoing discourse and empirical study. Thus, this chapter focuses on the review of the following: 

2.1 Theoretical Framework 

The best to adopt in the study is Social learning theory by Klaus (1993) the theory states that various ways observers see their environment more than they capture reality itself. Kaplan (1964) also added that the formation of theory is not just the discovery of fact but a way of seeing and thinking about the world, as such it is better seen as the „lens‟ one uses in observation than as a „mirror‟ of nature. 

In this study, the effect of social media on the spelling ability of students, social learning theory was used. There have been some questions on the kinds of values adopted and used by people from the conventional media and now social media. Social learning theory propounded by Albert bandura postulates that learning takes place in a social context via cognitive processes known as observation and uninterrupted guidelines even in the absenteeism undeviating corroboration. He further said that people learn persistently using communication within their immediate environment and now the virtual environment known as the internet/social media. He explained that communal and virtual communal interaction exercise influences on the mind thus, innovations such as social media is a factor in determining the life events, believes, values and culture tenable in our societies today.  

Elder (1981) & Bandura (1989) Posit that technology provides new innovative methods that create social learning environments. One aspect of this technology is its ability to create platforms that allows interactivity and also provide the opportunity to observe others. To them human believe system is greatly influenced by virtual platforms used for the transmission of information and the stimulation of social persuasion of which social media is a clear example. Students and humans generally are now constantly surrounded by so many influences, fundamentally, the media. Social media has become integral to virtually all students across the globe and this has influenced them behaviorally, cognitively and otherwise. 

Albert bandura gave three major process or stages by which social learning takes place since learning does not occur independently. These process are:  

Identification: This is a psychological process whereby the subject assimilates an aspect, property, or attribute of the other and is transformed wholly or partially by the model provided. It is by means of a series of identifications that the personality is constituted and specified by which copying a model and specific acts, springs from wanting to be and trying to be like the model with respect to some broader quality” (White 1997). 

Observation: Neal M & John D (1941). Observed that observational learning occurred when observers were motivated to learn, when the cues or elements of the behaviors to be learned were present, when observers performed the given behaviors, and when observers were positively reinforced for adapting those behaviors. According behaviors can be adopted when seen and such behaviours would be reorganized and then learned which produces new behaviour, and either increase or decrease frequency with which a previously learned behaviour is demonstrated. 

Imitation: is an advanced behavior whereby an individual observes and replicates others behaviour. It is a form of social learning that leads to the development of traditions and culture.  Miller and Dollard assumed that individuals behaved in certain ways and then shaped their behavior their based on imitation and learning. The researchers saw imitation as replacing random trial-and-error behaviors and that it has simplified behavioural adoption and reinforcement.  

Social learning theory has been used for this study because it best explains how people learn and develop certain behaviors that could be as a result of media usage and exposure to media content plus the reason(s) and outcomes of such usage on the users. As the theory states, “the degree of our learnability in a social context is the key variable in understanding how we learn and adapt certain behaviors.

2.2 Conceptualization of Social Media

In a broad speaking, social media sites represent a recent innovation intended to foster communication and collaboration on a large scale. Since their invention, such sites have diffused so rapidly that the number of users is growing daily, and they have become an integral part of people’s personal and professional lives (Chugh & Ruhi, 2018). Social media can be defined as “a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of User Generated Content” (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010, p. 61). 

The term “social media” refers to a set of tools that includes blogging services, discussion forums, bookmarking services, and wikis. Thus, the overarching concept of social media implicitly includes SNSs, which are defined by Chugh and Ruhi (2018, p. 606) as “an online service allowing users to construct a public or private profile to connect and interact with their social connections.” In the interests of both clarity and consistency, the term “social media” will hereafter be used to exclusively refer to SNSs. In the view of Cohen, (2011) Social media is the platforms that enable the interactive web by engaging users to participate in, comment on and create content as means of communicating with their social graph, other users and the public which have content formats including text, video, photographs, audio, PDF and PowerPoint. It can be said that social media is the tools, services, and communication facilitating connection between peers with common interests.  

Social media therefore denotes to the wide collection of Internet based and mobile services that connect people together to communicate, participate, collaboratively interact, discuss and exchange ideas and information on an online community. The kind of Internet services commonly associated with social media (sometimes referred to as “Web 2.0”) include the following: 

Weblog: Weblogs or blogs, as they are branded, are easily created and updateable websites that allow authors to publish to the Internet instantly, hence allowing instructors and students to communicate easily. Basically a blog is an online journal in which pages are usually displayed in reverse chronological order. Blogs can be hosted for free on websites such as Word Press, Tumblr and Blogger.

 Wikis: A wiki is a collective website where any participant is allowed to modify any page or create a new page using her Web browser” (Dewing 2010). Anyone can add and edit what has already been published. One well known example is Wikipedia, a free online encyclopedia that makes use of wiki technology.

 Social book marking: Bookmarking sites allow users to organize and share links to websites. This enables users to produce a searchable personalized internet. Examples include reddit, Stumble Upon and Digg. 

Social network sites: Boyd and Ellison (2007) defined social network sites as public web-based services that allow users to develop a personal profile, identify other users with whom they have a connection, read and react to postings made by other users on the site, and send and receive messages either privately or publicly. These web based services allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system. Among the most popular are Facebook and LinkedIn.

Status update services: This kind is also known as micro blogging services, status update services such as Titter, Whatsapp, Facebook, Histagram etc, allow people to share short updates about people or events and to see updates tweeted by others.

 These are limited list that are certain to revolution quickly, probably could be by our own contributions to the field.  

2.3 Means of Communication on Social Media 

The communication on social media is different from the language of communication in formal setting most especially in written composition among higher institution students. It is clear cut that that the some major examinations are conducted in form of essay writing, particularly with standard use of English. Therefore, the language of communication via essay writing has changed because many students are addicted to social media language in their everyday communication. They are comfortably with the use of social media language rather than the language of instruction in school. These languages have no regard for rules of grammar and syntax, phonology and phonetics. The students’ addiction to social media language makes them use informal and less correct language like dialect, abbreviations, acronyms, spelling mistakes and emotions in their daily interactions. 

Additionally, students make use of video calls in connecting and interacting with friends and family. They make use this medium often and this takes most of their time. The means of communication on social media are analysed bellow:

1. Texting as a Means of Communication on Socio Media

Both adults and youth use texting for personal, family and social purposes. Texting (text messaging is used to send messages via mobile phones).

Abbreviation and Acronyms

This is the act of shortening a form of word or a phrase for easy communication. Acronyms are the act of shortening a word, a phrase or sentence using the initial letter of each word, e.g NYSC (National Youth Service Corps), LOL (laughing out loud), OMG (Oh my God!) etc.

List of Common Abbreviations Used in Texting

Abbreviations Meaning

IDC I don’t care

2morrow Tomorrow

2nite Tonight

AEAP As early as possible

ASAP As soon as possible 

ASL Age, sex, location

BB Blah blah blah

B4YKL Before you know it

BFF Best friend forever

BM&Y Between me and you

BRT Be right there

BTAM Be that as it may be

CP Sleepy

CTN Cannot talk now

CUS See you soon

SWOT Complete waste of time

CYT See you tomorrow

E,1,2,3 Easy as 1,2,3

EM Excuse me

F2F Face to face

GR Great

FC Finger cross

FOAF Friend of a friend 

IDK I don’t know

ILU/ILY I love you

IMU I miss you

IRL In real life

JK Just kidding

JTLYK Just to let you know 

KFY Kiss for you

KPC Keeping parent clueness

L&R Later

List of Common Emotions used while Texting



:-/ Confused

j) Winking

:x Love struck

:o) Clown

:p Tongue

:-* Kiss

B-) Cool

:cc Crying

O:-) Angle

:-w Waiting

:-? Thinking

:-s Worriet

>:) Devil

:-$ Sick

L:-p Party

2. Video calls as a Means of Communication on Socio Media 

A video call is a phone call using an Internet connection, sometimes called VoIP that utilizes video to transmit a live picture of the person making the call. Video calls are made using a computer's webcam or other electronic devices with a video-capable camera, like a smartphone, tablet, or video-capable phone system. 

According to David (2020) Video calling is just like a regular phone call, except you can see the person you are calling and they can see you. This makes each call very special because you never have to miss a big moment again. You can see a grandchild’s first steps, a sibling that may live far away, or anything else that you do not want to miss. It will feel like you are right there with them. While it is always best to see things in person, video calling is the next best thing. The best part is that it’s easy to do with your phone and you can make video calls wherever you have internet access.

Video call on a Smartphone

Smartphones have built-in application for video calls that vary from brand to brand. For example, you can make a FaceTime call on Apple iPhones. However, others may be downloaded and installed via your smartphone's app store.

Video call on a Tablet

Tablets require an application for making video calls. Again, Skype is an option, and other downloadable apps. Not all tablets include a built-in camera, so make sure your tablet has this feature before trying to make a video call.

Video call on a Video Phone

Phone systems with the built-in video call capability include a camera and the necessary programming to make video calls. The person receiving the call needs a similar phone system to view video and transmit a video back to the caller.

Additional software is often required. One such software programs are: facetime, Skype, Google Hangouts, Whatsapp, etc. which allow for video calls, and normal voice calls, using an Internet connection. 

FaceTime: It is applicable on an Apple iPhone, iPad, or Mac, FaceTime is best video calling option. FaceTime works with both Wi-Fi and cellular data, one can make a call from almost anywhere. To make a FaceTime call, all it need is the person’s phone number or Apple ID email address. They also need to have an Apple device that supports FaceTime. One of the best parts about FaceTime is that an Apple device can FaceTime any other Apple device. You can use your iPhone to FaceTime your grandchild on their laptop or their iPhone!

Skype: Skype is a popular video calling application that you can use on any device. If one go to on his or her computer, one can download Skype and set up an account to start video calling other people with a Skype account. Otherwise an iPhone or iPad, one can download the Skype app in the App Store. Also, it is applicable on an Android phone or tablet,  download the Skype app in the Google Play Store.

Google Hangouts: Google Hangouts is another app that can be downloaded to make video calls on your computer, tablet, or phone. Just like with Skype, once it is downloaded; it can be used it on a cell phone or tablet.

Google Hangouts and Skype are both great options if you don’t have an Apple device but still want high-quality video chatting.

2.3 Social Media and Students’ Academic Life in Higher Education 

Students’ academic life in these context is describe as the activities that  relates to the work done in colleges and universities especially which involves studying and reasoning rather than practical or technical skills. Higher education on the other hand is an educational level that primarily describes post-18 learning that takes place at the universities as well as other colleges and institutions that awards academic degrees and professional qualification. A side most deliberations of social media being perceived as either on the very straightforward or the very philosophical, emergent numbers of educationalists  exploring and aspiring in this field are beginning to consider the possible significance and likely implications of social media for education practice and provision specially in terms of higher education. Social media constitute an increasingly important context in one’s academic everyday lives. Indeed, some critics talk of social media as a self-networked acknowledging avenue serving as a key site for sociality and identity recognition in many people’s lives (Papacharissi, 2010). According to Subrahmanyam and Å mahel, (2011) The apparently changing nature of a student, who is entering university, will ultimately see the significance of social media in higher education in a practical sense, the attribute of social media reflects a highly connected, collective and creative qualities application that are more flexible, fluid and accelerated in nature.  Social media are therefore associated with an increased tendency for young people to multitask, to rely on a digital juggling of daily activities and commitments. 

More subtly, the reason with young people associated with these emerging technologies is also associated with the autonomous nature of social media allowing students an increased control over the nature and form of what they do, as well as where, when and how they do it. As Tapscott and Williams (2007) argue that, young people ‘are not content to be passive consumers, and increasingly satisfy their desire for choice, convenience, customization, and control by designing, producing, and distributing products themselves’. For many educationalists the existence of social media in higher education settings is essential if universities are to (re)connect with these students (Selwyn, N). For instance, social networking sites such as We Chat which is predominant in china, LinkedIn and the flipped classroom such as schoology are now being used by universities as alternative spaces in which students can adapt to the university lifestyle through interacting online with peers and faculty. 

Certainly, many universities now maintain profiles and groups on social networking sites such as Facebook, where students and faculty can interact, share resources and express learner voice. Social media poses a liberal environment for students to discuss share their views and opinions easily freely on issues that otherwise would not have been done in a normal traditional classroom, just as Mason and Rennie (2007: 199) reasoned that, shared community spaces and inter group communications are a massive measure of what excites young people and therefore should contribute to their persistence and motivation to learn. 

According to Douglas Thomas and John Seely Browns (2011) description of a technology enhanced new culture of Learning that says, learning is based around principles of collective exploration, play and innovation rather than individualized instruction, it could be argued that social media supports the aspect of knowledge consumption and construction that are very different to the epistemological principle of formal education and individual instruction as well as sounding with currently fashionable constructivist and socio cultural learning theories. These ideas are reflected most explicitly in the notion of connectivism the idea that learning in a social media age now rests upon the ability to access and use distributed information on a “just in time basis”. Simply put, learning can be seen as an individual ability to connect to specialized information nodes and sources as and when required. Thus knowledge ability would demand nurturing and maintenance of these connections. (Chati et al., 2010). As George Siemens (2004)puts it, learning can therefore be conceived in terms of the ‘capacity to know more’ via social media rather than a reliance on the individual accumulation of prior knowledge in terms of what is currently known. 

2.4 Impact of Social Media on Student Academic Outcome

Social media provides students a new mechanism for a familiar exercise. It provides students a direct medium by which to publicly evaluate and comment on their campus environments, institutional policies, classes, professors, and administration and fellow students in real-time. Social media zips through our campuses nearly unseen, dragging behind it the heavy weight of social injustices and complicated Jurisprudence accumulated from decades of student speech (Gurcan 2015). Given social media’s potential for positive impact, no one is suggesting we pull the breaks on it, and in many ways the technology is already out of our grasp.  Today’s students communicate via technology, and that If you say absolutely no Facebook or texting, you are cutting off an important relationship with students technology as an online teacher use of technology via the use of a variety of tools such as Skype, text, email, Facebook and twitter. Social media open up new ways for collaboration and discussion in the sense that, it offers a great deal of content posting, coping, sharing and search ability by easily using online search tools. Students today use social media anywhere and at any time where internet connection is available in order to meet their educational needs (Dewing, 2010). 

Students use social media to communicate with their Teachers as a group outside of class and to plan school events and what not, it also allowed students to get help on school work from teachers during the evening, weekends, and holidays so that they never fell behind. The cell phone numbers and WeChat are equally used to get in touch with teachers quickly during the school day, if a student is going to be late or absent or outside of school in an emergency. On the subject of the number of complaints of inappropriate contact involving social media, the possible threats are too great. Student engaging in a private relationship outside the classroom circles begs for inappropriate behavior to commence (Gurman 2015). 

There is the likelihood of users not being courteous and respectful of other such that Profanity, vulgarity, obscenity, or language that is harassing, derogatory, or otherwise inappropriate for the school environment sometimes circulates in these platforms. Users could easily display, send, retrieve, or download any items that are sexually explicit, or contain hate based or discriminatory material without the notification of a teacher, school administrator or even their peers in the event. This in turn could make students concede that they have no right or expectation of privacy with respect to their use of school technology and therefore would not want to participate fully (Gurman 2015). 

There is always the potential for things to go wrong, and that is true before technology as well. So commentators would have to stop worrying about what could go wrong and realize that there is a huge opportunity associated with social media that broaden the learning experience of students. (Oche and Aminu 2010) posits that majority of students and adolescences nowadays own Facebook accounts which is gradually resulting to a massive decline in the academic performance of students in all institutions of learning in Nigeria to be specific and the world at large. However reasons or explanations for this decline may not be farfetched from excessive usage of social media. While many minds might be quick to blame the poor quality of teachers forgetting that students‟ attention has drifted away from physical associates to virtual or online friends, whereas relevant academic related schemes like writing and spelling words effectively gets crippled in the process.  

Corroborating the above, Olubiyi (2012) Noted that the level at which students are so enthralled to online chatting is one of the commonest trends in societies today, virtually 24 hours is spent on social media by active users(mostly student) to socialize and satisfy their yearnings for visibility in the virtual world. Verily, even in classrooms and lecture theatres, it has been observed that some students are always busy pinging, Twitting, viewing status or Facebooking, while lectures are on, time ought be channeled towards learning, academic research and innovative engagements have been crushed by the passion for meeting new friends online, and most times busy discussing trivial issues and most painful of all spelling words wrongly. Thus countless number of students experience academic impediment by virtue of excessive social media practice. 

  Furthermore, Obi, Bulus,Adamu & Sala (2012), observed that majority of students that often explore social media routinely have coined and adopted peculiar practices of  writing and abbreviating words in formal settings and during chatting which is gradually becoming integral to their formal writing skills. For example students now use 2 in place of to, D in place of the, and 4 in place of for. These necessitated the establishment of deterioration in the use of English and grammar by users who are mostly students, therefore this explains in clear terms that words abbreviation while chatting has a direct link with the class assessment of students as it alters the conventional way of spelling words as required professionally. On the way round, they transfer such attitude to their academic writing, especially in their examination.   

Ellison, Steinfield, & Lampe (2007) notes that although social media has been recognized as an important resource for education today, other studies however shows that undergraduates harness social media such as Facebook for fun, to while away time, to meet existing friends or to make new ones. Also Kimberly, Jeong & Lee, (2009), supposed that students spend ample stretch on participating in social media activities, with many students apportioning blames to social platforms for consistent shrinkage and decline in excellent academic performance. It also shows that only few students are aware of the academic and professional networking opportunities the sites offers. In other words, if students used the tools well, it will have positive impact on their life.          

2.4 Appraisal of Related Studies

As stated in the problem of this study that series of studies have proved that social media has negative impact on students academics life, here are some of the studies. 

In a study on “impact of Facebook on undergraduate academic performance Moon (2011)   averred that social media have negative impact on students. According to the result, the more students use facebook the more it affects their academic performance. Similarly, Oye (2012) noted that most of the younger students use social networking sites mainly for socializing activities rather than for academic purpose.  Another study conducted by Shana (2012) revealed that students use social media mainly for making friends and chatting. The result showed that only 26 percent of the students (respondents) use social media for academic purpose. 

Young (2006) in a study titled “the effect of internet use and social media on the academic performance of students” explained that the wide tentacles of the internet have impacted greatly to the school lives of undergraduates and students generally. He noted that contemporary students nowadays fundamentally depend on social media for information sourcing and entertainment that are hugely related to school life. The researcher added that, internet, though time sapping, have less negative effects on studies. This is evident going by numerous observations carried out on some students of university of Maiduguri who are vigorous handlers of social media and yet the most intelligent in their respective classes. 

A new research study found that widespread use of social media among freshman college students may compromise academic performance. The study is one of the first to explore mechanisms of media effects on academic outcomes. Investigators determined that use of media, from texting to chatting on cell phones to posting status updates on Facebook may lower grades for freshman female students (Nauert 2007). 

Another study by Karpinski & Vein (2009) pointed out that social networking handlers create little or no time for their educations when compared to non-users. The study was able to ascertain and generalized that based on data collected and analyzed in relation to users and non-users CGPAs hence in the history of generations and their peculiar distractions, Social media usage and addiction is seen to be the foremost disturbance of this current generation (Karpinski & Duberstein (2009).


3.1 Research Design 

This chapter is concerned with the methods and procedures used in carrying out the research. Descriptive survey method was employed in this study. The design was attempted to examine the implication of social media on learning outcome of students of higher institution, a study of Ekiti state university in affiliation with Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo. Thus, the researcher tried to gather data on the identified research problem without manipulating any of the variables in the study.   

3.2 Population of the Study

The population of the study consists of all Students in Ekiti state university in affiliation with Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo of Oyo State. 

3.3 Sample and Sampling Technique

The study employed simple random sampling technique. Thus, sample for the study consists of six (6) schools (faculties); in each school, twenty students are randomly selected. The schools are: 

School of Science 

School of Education

School of Languages 

School of Arts and Social Sciences

School of Vocational and Technical Education 

3.4 Research Instrument

The instrument used for the study was “questionnaire”. The questionnaire was divided into two sections. Section ‘A’ provided Demographic Information of the respondents and partly explains how the questionnaire is to be filled, while section B focused on the three raised research questions, each research question consists six items     and key for the responds are: Strongly Agree=SA, Agree=A, Strongly, Disagree=SD and Disagree=D.

3.4 Validity of the Instrument

The instrument will be subjected to both face and content validity to ensure that they measured what they were expected to measure. Face validity entails looking at questions and questionnaire respectively and deciding if they really measures what they are expected to measure. Content validity on the other hand, it has to do with the use of recognized subject matter experts to evaluate whether questionnaire assess defined content.

3.5 Reliability of the Instrument

Pilot test of the instruments were carried out to observe how the respondents react to both and questionnaires; whether the items are clear enough and easily understood, whether there is the need to include more items in certain areas, or whether there are some items to which they would not like to respond, etc. This helped determine the internal consistency and reliability of the questionnaires. A total of 5 students were randomly selected as a sample outside the area of study, copies of the instruments were administered as a small, the results was analysed to determining the validity of the instrument.

3.7 Method of Data Collection

Permission was sought from the schools authorities and the participants were enlightened on how to attend to the both the interview questions and the Questionnaire, the participants thereafter were asked to complete the questionnaire. Ethical issues of assurances will be given on the basis of confidentiality and discretion of the study. The participants were informed about the purpose of the study and its seriousness and they were encouraged to be truthful in their responses. The researcher administered the questionnaire with the assistance of one research assistant that assisted in the distribution and collection of the questionnaires.     

3.8 Method of Data Analysis

The proportion of respondents’ responses administered will be calculated by using simple percentage.



Table 4.1: Gender distribution of respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 56 46.70

Female 64 53.30

Total 120 100.00

From table 4.1, it could be inferred that majorities of the participants were females with the percentages 53.3%.  

Table 4.2: Distribution of Respondents based on Level in Academic

 Range Frequency Percentage

100L 22 18.3

200L 36 30.0

300L 25 20.8

400L 37 30.8

Total 120 100.00

From table 4.2, it could be inferred that majorities of the participants were 400L students years with the percentage 60.83%, followed by 34 and above with the percentage 20.80%, then, 18-25 with the percentages 18.30% respectively.  

4.2 Analysis and Interpretation of Research Questions

Table 4.3: Respondents’ responses on the most common social media platform students used and the degree of their usage in Ekiti State University, Oyo 

S/N Items SA (%) A (%)

D (%) SD (%)

1 You chat with friends on Facebook days and night.  80

(66.67) 20

(16.67) 10

(8.33) 10


2 You view people’s status on Whatsapps every day at your leisure time. 82

(68.33) 24

(20) 7

(5.83) 7


3 You get update news and trend matters on Twitter every day. 90

(70) 30

(25) 0

(0) 0


4 You use Wikis and Weblog to get information anytime you need it. 88

(73.33) 12

(10) 8

(6.67) 12


5 Histagram allows you to view short update about people or event and to comments on issues at any time you like 77

(64.7) 23

(19.17) 13

(10.83) 7


6 Zoom allows people to have conference and lectures online at a schedule time. 98

(81.67) 10

(8.34) 5

(4.17) 7


From table 4.3 above, it is evident that the majority of the respondents strongly agreed and agreed that they used social media like: Facebook, Whatsapps, Twitter, Histagram, Zoom, Wikis and Weblog for fun on many occasions, during the day and night, in their leisure time, every day they need it or on a scheduled time. The implication of this is that the students have inclined to the soc ial media usage and they have attached importance to it.    

Table 4.4: Respondents’ responses on the relationship between social media usage and learning outcome of the students in Ekiti State University, Oyo

S/N Items SA (%)


(%) SD 


1 Social media is a learning tool that can be engaged with in learning process inside or outside the class. 75

(62.5) 18

(15) 10

(8.33) 17


2 Short Messaging Service (SMS) on Social Media have negative impact on language writing of the students 68

(56.66) 27

(22.5) 15

(12.5) 10


3 Spend hours chatting, blogging, posting information and connecting with friends and family keep students away from reading their books. 90

(74) 11

(9.17) 8

(6.67) 11


4 Chatting online while lecture is going on in the class affect students learning outcome 88

(73.33) 16

(13.33) 8

(6.67) 8


5 Social media platform like whatsapps, zoom, and chatMe can be used to organize students and lecturers interaction for academic purpose.  6

(5) 13

(10.83) 19

(15.83) 82


6 Many social media platforms serves as means of sourcing information for both students and lecturers 98

(81.67) 10

(8.34) 5

(4.17) 7


From table 4.4 above, it is evident that the majority of the respondents strongly agreed and agreed affirmatively that there is cordial relationship between social media usage and learning outcome of the students, it has both positive and negative impact on the students’ learning outcome. Positively, it is a learning tool that can be engaged with in learning process inside or outside the class; many social media platforms serves as means of sourcing information for both students and lecturers; and social media platform like whatsapps, zoom, and chatMe can be used to organize students and lecturers interaction for academic purpose. Negatively, it is evident that Short Messaging Service (SMS) on Social Media have negative impact on language writing of the students; many students spend hours chatting, blogging, posting information and connecting with friends and family which keep them away from reading their books; also, some chat online while lecture is going on in the class which tend to divert their attention from lecture and consequently affect their learning outcome. The implication of this result is that social media could be of positive impact on students learning outcome if it could be used effectively by both lecturers and students for academic purpose. 

Table 4.5: Respondents’ responses on ways of improving the learning outcomes in the students through the use of Social Media in Ekiti State University, Oyo

S/N Items SA (%) A (%) D (%) SD (%)

1 Course materials are to be shared on social media. 98

(81.67) 10

(8.34) 5

(4.17) 7


2 It is encouraged to be given online assignment. 26

(21.67) 10

(8.34) 14

(11.67) 70


3 One needs to distinguish from academic writing and social media writing while writing. 100

(83.34) 6

(5) 8

(6.66) 6


4 Online learning should be encouraged in some courses.  76

(63.33) 17

(14.17) 5

(4.17) 22


5 Students need to desist from social media in lecture rooms while lecture is going on for better concentration. 89

(74.17) 13

(10.83) 7

(5.83) 11


For better understanding one need to write accurately on social media. 98

(81.67) 10

(8.34) 5

(4.17) 7


From table 4.5 above, it is evident that the majority of the respondents strongly agreed and agreed that the itemized ways of improving the learning outcomes in the students through the use of Social Media are effective and relevant. They indicate that course materials could be shared on social media; assignment could be given to students online; also, students need to distinguish from academic writing and social media writing and while writing they should write accurately on social media. Furthermore, for better concentration, they should desist from social media in lecture rooms while lecture is going on. The implication of this is that if these better measures are adopted in converting social media to learning tools, teaching and learning process among students, the outcome of students learning performance excellent, especially, among students in Ekiti state University in affiliation with Emmanuel Alayande College of Education. 



The study was on the influence of facebooking and social media usage, the study was carried out using higher institutions in Oyo town, namely;Atiba University, University of Ibadan in affiliation with Federal College of Education, Special Education, Oyo and Ekiti State university of Education in affiliation with Emmanuel Alayande College of Education. Four research questions were raised to guide and stimulate the study in an understanding position. However, the researcher administered questionnaire which was use as the instrument for gathering relevant data from the respondents, the data were analyzed using chi-square method in chapter four of the study.

The study however, comprise of five chapters in chapter, one of the study covered: introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, objective of the study, scope of the study, research questions and hypothesis, and definition of terms were discussed under the aforementioned sub-headings above.

In chapter two of the study, the researcher review some work done by other researcher on the influence of facebooking and social media usage and how it affects students’ performance, especially, in most of private universities and public universities used. In chapter three of the study, the researcher explained the methodology used in carrying out the study. Likewise in chapter four of the study, the data gathered from the respondents was analyzed in the chapter with the use of chi-square as the method of analysis.

In chapter five of the study, the researcher summarized, concluded and makesnecessary recommendations on the study.


The primary objective of the research undertaken was to throw light on how effectively the usage of facbooking and social media sites has affected the students by evaluating both the positive and negative aspects. Social media serve to students’ purpose of connecting them with people all across the globe by not hampering their working hours and schedules. Despite the several benefits that come with the participation ofthe students on social media networks, its misuse could badly affect the academic performance. 

The findings of this study showed that, there is positive consequence of average study time and negative impact of time spending on various social networking websites on students’ academic performance. It indicates that, the educational performance increases by giving more time on study and decreases for spending more time on social networking websites. Above all, in the era of globalization and technology, a single day can’t be thought without using facebook and social media sites, but should be used in a limited and positive way without getting addicted. 


Based on the findings and conclusions of this study, the following recommendations are made:

The teachers may encourage the students to minimize time wastage on chatting and other irrelevant engagements which are not of major importance by counselling about the negative influence of social media. 

Nigeria Telecommunication Regulatory Commission and  parents  should  monitor  activities  of  the students  on  social  media  in  order  to  protect  them from pornographic pictures and videos and other unwarranted materials. 

The use of LinkedIn should be increased because the site gives the facilities  of linking  employers  with potential employees,  provides  a  place  for  individuals  to  post resumes  and offers  referrals and  for employers  to  post current job openings. 

Students should be encouraged to utilize social media applications in the way that will positively influence their academic performance. 

Students should be given assignments and research work to keep them busy out of social media negative apps 

Students should not be allowed to use or operate handset in lecture rooms. 

Students should communicate properly to avoid developing bad habits of writing in social media communication.